Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1544: It is wrong to miss it!

When Yuan Yao heard these words from Xia Mingxiu, he had just been teased by him-she touched her hot body, instantly as if she was poured a bucket of ice water from the top of her head, and her whole body was cold.

"Yes, yes! Does it have anything to do with you? I am his woman now, but I can only be his woman in the future. He and I have far more things to do than today. I can't bear it, right? I can’t bear to see him and me moving out tomorrow. We won’t smear your golden eyes in your noble place... I’m fed up with being monitored by you anytime and anywhere!!!"

Xia Mingxiu's pupils dilated in an instant, and shrank suddenly in an instant, and an indescribable strong desire for destruction burst out in an instant.

He suddenly lifted his hand, looked at Yuan Yao's clear eyes, and then quickly retracted it.

Yuan Yao gritted her teeth and turned her head to the side not to look at him, half of her face was angry, unable to calm down for a long time.

"Yuan Yao, look at me, you look at me!"

Xia Mingxiu's voice was trembling, his tight muscles seemed to burst, and his head almost exploded as if he was swelling and painful.

He could only hold the woman close at hand tightly, and seemed to have exhausted his strength to really hold her tightly.

"Yuan Yao, look at me, say it again!"

Yuan Yao shook her arms and struggling, her pale face, her eyes flushed!

"No, I don't! Xia Mingxiu I hate you, I hate you! You are a devil, why don't you make me feel better! Every day, every day!"

"I won't make you feel better? Will Wen Muyan do it?"

"Yes! He is not you! He has taken good care of me for the past five years!"

"Are you really getting better? Really better? Yuan Yao, who are you lying to?!"

Xia Mingxiu finished angrily, lowered her head again and suddenly wrapped her lips, almost venting, biting her hard.


Yuan Yao shook her head vigorously, avoiding his kiss, her hands suddenly grasped Xia Mingxiu's shoulders in a panic, pushed hard, raised her hands, and hit Xia Mingxiu's face with a "slap".

The air stood still for a moment!

Yuan Yao's palm was numb, and looking at Xia Mingxiu's instantly flushed face, the tip of her heart was suddenly stabbed in general pain.

But it was only for an instant, the expression on that flushed face was his familiar but different resistance and resistance.

Xia Mingxiu's eyes sank. At this moment, he suddenly realized that he really seemed to miss too much.

Don't do it wrong!

If you are wrong, you will miss it!

However, he was not reconciled...

He can't, just miss it.

If you are wrong, you don't have to miss it, but if you miss it, you are really wrong! There is never a chance to regret!

he can not……

"Yuan Yao, you don't love him, you are just grateful to him, don't you know how to reject him? Do you? I will help you say, I will help you get rid of him..."

Xia Mingxiu's voice was obviously flattering and compromising!

He compromised, he finally compromised...

"I want to get rid of you, not him! I am grateful for Muyan! Yes, you guessed it, I don't love him now, but I am trying to love him. He is my best choice."

The air condensed a little more. After a long period of repair, Xia Ming suddenly snorted, "I haven't fallen in love with a man who treats you so well in five years, but within two days of returning to China, he threatened to fall in love with him! , You told me on purpose to make me unable to care about you, right?"



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