Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1548: If he says he loves her

How could such a powerful arm suffer such a serious injury?

The doctor didn't dare to alarm Xia Mingxiu. He took the scissors and cut Xia Mingxiu's sleeve lengthwise. The wound on his elbow could not be seen at all, only a **** blur.

"How did you do it? Five-body throwing on the ground does not necessarily cause such injuries?"

The doctor really didn't hold it back. As a doctor, he is most uncomfortable with people who don't care about their bodies.

Uncle Li whispered, "It was a car accident. My elbow may have been on the steering wheel and my legs may have been touched."

Doctor Chen frowned, his nose moved, "Drinking?"

Uncle Li just nodded and said nothing.

Doctor Chen treated Xia Mingxiu's wounds with a cold face, and after finishing the serum, only the wounds on the elbows still leaking blood were left.

"I need someone to take care of it tonight." Dr. Chen said this without even raising his head.

Uncle Li looked up at Yuan Yao, and saw Yuan Yao slowly moving a few steps behind him.

"I'm going to arrange a servant."

Uncle Li is about to leave, and Doctor Chen speaks like a ghost, "Li Tianlai, you have been in Xia's house for most of your life. You don't know what Mr. Xia's temper is? Arrange a servant? Does it work?"

Of course it doesn't work. If people wake up in the middle of the night, dozens of servants will not be able to withstand the toss of President Xia alone.

But what can he do?

So many people wanted to stay by President Xia's side and take the opportunity to get to the top, but some people just dismissed it.

Some people can't ask for it, and some people give it up.

Uncle Li sighed inwardly and said: "There is no other way. Even if the wife comes, it won't work. I think it's just that. Let's talk about it when people wake up and toss. You can't just leave it alone."

"I'll tell them everything you should pay attention to in a while..." Doctor Chen paused, with a tone similar to teasing, and then said: "Be careful, don't let your willing servants get on the bed."

"Ahem..." Uncle Li clenched his fist to his lips and coughed unnaturally. Dr. Chen's expression was a little bit weak, as if he had just noticed someone standing at the door, turned his head and looked towards the door, and he saw Yuan. Yao stood at the door.

An embarrassment flashed across the doctor's face. He still knew this queen.

I am afraid that no one in Kyoto does not know him now.

There was silence in the room for a while, and Doctor Chen helped Xia Mingxiu bandage his arms, and glanced up at Uncle Li who was standing by.

Uncle Li lowered his eyebrows to please his eyes. He didn't move for a long time. Doctor Chen raised his eyebrows. Is it really Alzheimer's?

The knee is about to be bandaged, but this needs to be taken off-the pants, don't you want to rush people?

The young lady at the door didn't seem to intend to leave, so what did he think about so much?

Lifting the quilt, he reached out and untied Xia Mingxiu's high-end belt.

Yuan Yao was stunned for a moment, then turned around and left the door at a loss.

Uncle Li looked up at Yuan Yao's somewhat hurried back, and turned his head indifferently.

Yuan Yao ran into the elevator all at once.

Biting his lip, what flashed in his mind was the **** wound.

Everything tonight is flashing in my mind like a horse watching flowers, his rare compromise, his wounds, bleeding, he endured anger and tender kisses, she almost compromised with him... …

If Xia Mingxiu didn't fall asleep, if he said that he loved her, would she hate him again, or, again, helplessly compromise with him...

If he says he loves her, then she...

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