Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 156: You are afraid of regret

Xu Jun and his narrow eyes narrowed and laughed, leaning their elbows on the edge of the car window, mocking:

"President Sheng, I believe that there is nothing in this world that you don't want to know. But, have you investigated?"


Looking at Sheng Yuchen's embarrassed face, Xu Junyu sneered at the corner of his mouth.

He raised his eyes and glanced behind Sheng Yuchen, Ye Yun and Ye Anqi both looked at him suspiciously.

Xu Junyu sighed and shook his head again and again.

"Last time, if it wasn't for me to discover that a woman surnamed Chang secretly let the waiter give Chuqing medicine, can you think of the consequences? Chuqing could stop at the last step and keep her innocence. What if it were the woman surnamed Chang? , When she came out, she was holding the phone in her hand..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's obviously the medicine that Mu Chuqing gave to Chu Chu. Chu Chu is so weak and kind, it is impossible to do such a dirty and dirty thing! Cousin, you just let a strange man insult Chu Chu like this?"

Ye Anqi suddenly spoke, the sound of words still protecting Chang Chu.

Xu Junyu's gaze first glanced at Ye Anqi indifferently, and finally became colder.

"Mr. Sheng, I actually understand you. After all, I’m a woman who grew up together. I don’t know if you really care about this woman or not. I don’t even bother to investigate her! Or you are afraid that the truth will let you ……regret!"

Sheng Yuchen's black eyes shrank suddenly.

"Get in the car, otherwise, keeping Qi Chuqing will really kill her!"

Xu Junyu raised his chin towards Li Sichen.

"Boss! The car is coming!"

At this time, Huoyan drove over in time.

Sheng Yuchen glanced at Xu Junyu and walked towards his car.

Xu Junyu shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and drove away first.

Huo Yan drove the car with him, and followed Xu Jun and the car with the Sheng family.

Sheng Yuchen's face was sullen throughout the whole process, without saying a word, his body was slightly weak and his lips were pale.

"Yu Chen, what is going on? Mu Chuqing what is going on?"

Ye Yun clutched Ye Anqi's arm tightly, obviously looking extremely worried.

Sheng Yuchen still didn't speak, Sheng Zhengyu took a look at Sheng Yuchen, sighed heavily, and turned his head out of the car window.

He thought that Yuchen would never let him down.

Sure enough, the company was taken care of by him without fail, and he was relieved at this point.

However, with this emotional problem alone, he...

Hearing Sheng Zhengyu's helpless sigh, Ye Yun couldn't help but shed tears.

Her husband and her son, but the sky above her.

Now that one is helpless, one is helpless, she is alone, who should be trusted?

"Aunt, don't worry, what kind of society is it now, and Mu Chuqing can't get any moths out of her."

Ye Anqi comforted Ye Yun, but she was a little bit confused and inaccurate.

Although she felt that Mu Chuqing was not worthy of being the young grandmother of the Sheng family and not worthy of her cousin, she was still honest at the time.

What exactly did Chu Chu do back then that made Mu Chuqing suddenly so irritable that she could treat her like this! !

She has known Chu Chu since she was a child. Chu Chu is sometimes a little squeamish, but the whole person is soft and weak.

Standing with the woman Mu Chuqing can only be bullied.

What's more, the two are still college classmates, even if they are jealous for their cousin, they don't have to kill others.

This spread is a lot of jokes, and jealousy can kill people!

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