Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1561: Won't succeed

Uncle Li stood by, watching Xia Mingxiu staggering and walking towards the elevator step by step...

Uncle Li sighed helplessly and directed the servant to start cleaning.

Xia Mingxiu still didn't eat or drink. Uncle Li was always paying attention to the situation in the bedroom. When Xia Mingxiu couldn't stand it and passed out, he informed Dr. Chen to put some sleeping medicine in the medicine, and put a drip with the nutrient solution.

In any case, this disease cannot be dragged on any longer, and some last resort is the only way to go.

Sitting in the car, Yuan Yao was silent, Wen Muyan hesitated to speak several times, but choked frequently.

Yuan Yao had two announcements today and went directly to the show.

Separated from Yuan Yao, Wen Muyan's direct contact found a simple and clean villa in the suburbs. The servants who stayed in Xia Mingxiu's manor brought Yuan Yao and Wen Muyan's things.

After Yuan Yao rushed to the evening's announcement, Wen Muyan took him back to the villa he was looking for again.

The duplex building is decorated simply and generously, so the room is naturally large and empty.

Yuan Yao sat on the sofa in the living room and searched for SpongeBob Squarepants. Wen Muyan paused on the stairs when he came downstairs.

When she came down, Yuan Yao glanced up at him who was standing by the sofa, and gently pulled her lips.

Wen Muyan also smiled and sat beside Yuan Yao.

The two were speechless for a while.

Yuan Yao focused on watching SpongeBob.

On the screen, one-eyed marine creatures have been persistently trying to steal the secret recipe for making Crab Wake Fort, almost doing everything.

"The behavior of this ruffian boss is really undesirable, he is simply the biggest villain in this cartoon."

To break the silence between the two, Wen Muyan took the opportunity to find a topic.

Yuan Yao didn't look at him, staring at the screen and said, "There is no real villain! The boss has the same dream as the boss Crab. No one will help him. He can only rely on himself. Although his actions are not desirable, he is still Working hard for his dream. Everyone has his own way of living. It is not wrong to work hard for survival. Maybe he has other ways, maybe because he only has one eye that always hurts."

Wen Muyan blinked his eyes because she didn't understand. The style of the two sentences behind her was too similar to the style of SpongeBob SquarePants cartoon. He could not fully penetrate the mystery for the time being.

But in what she said, he probably knew the overall meaning.

She didn't like what he just said, and accidentally poked a sensitive point in her heart.

Everyone who works hard for their dreams can't go wrong.

This is what she has always believed.


Wen Muyan who reacted quickly apologized.

Yuan Yao shook her head, pressing her lubricated chin towards the huge LCD screen.

It said:

"If you keep people stepping on your head, you will never get what you want."

"Only when you have experienced the troughs, despair and humiliation yourself, your determination to become a master is firm."

"..." Wen Muyan was silent.

"However, it will not succeed. Because it chose the wrong method, although this may be the only way it can succeed."

"Even if it succeeds in the future, the person who has stepped on its head will eventually step on its head. It does not care about it, but its heart still faces the person who has stepped on it with a different frequency. It has been hurt before. , How can it be said that you let go..."

Yuan Yao's voice was a bit bitter unconsciously.

Correspondingly, once loved, it is impossible to say that I don’t care or don’t care...

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