The screen shows Wen Muyan's gentle and handsome face.

The little guy's godless eyes finally got a little helpless.

"Grandpa has lost three times in a row."

Wen Muyan smiled, "You should let him at that time. If he is happy, he will naturally not trouble you."

Yuan Wenqian shook his head, frowning slightly.

"If I win, I won. I won't let the water go! He loses and loses. Is it so difficult to compromise once?"

Wen Muyan frowned slightly.

"Why must others compromise with you?"

"Because I won, he lost! He gave up, isn't it right? If he gave up willingly, I won't have to try to avoid him until now!"

In other words, the other party's behavior caused him too much trouble and unnecessary trouble.

"This question is not right from the beginning! If you compromise first and let Grandpa take the initiative to let him win, you don't have to do everything possible to avoid him, do you?"

Yuan Wenqian frowned, "Why?"

Wen Muyan squeezed his eyebrows with a headache, and looked rather haggard.

"Little guy, there are some things that don't have to obey those iron rules. Everyone has feelings. Your grandfather Wen loves you very much. Are you really happy every time you win him in chess?"

Yuan Wenqian pursed his lips and said nothing.

The answer is obvious.

"Little guy, emotions dominate each of us. Those who blindly pursue iron rules will eventually be hurt by feelings. The rules will always be broken, and the rules will always be broken by the feelings."

"Just like me, little guy."

Wen Muyan's expression was difficult to describe, Yuan Wenqian couldn't understand, and frowned.

"What's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

Wen Muyan took a deep breath, "Little guy, your mother and I may...not be engaged. I thought that as long as I stayed with you and your mother wholeheartedly, she would accept me one day. I have never doubted, because of emotions and rules, I think it is inevitable. However, I am still wrong. There are too many emotional factors. There are no rules at all. It is just a mess. ..."

Yuan Wenqian frowned, he really didn't understand, what was he talking about?

Why didn't it take two days after arriving in China, and the man on the other side became like this?

Wasn't that the way he was very determined to win his foolish mother?

What kind of relationship is a mess?

What a mess?

Wen Muyan noticed the rare doubts on the little guy's face.

"You are smart in everything, and finally there is something you don't understand."

"Is it really troublesome?" Yuan Wenqian didn't deny, ****.

Wen Muyan took a bitter breath and sighed again.

"Yes, now your mother has been stumped by it."

Yuan Wenqian's entire face wrinkled, and the heartless fool was stumped?

He raised his eyes and glanced at the man opposite, "It seems that you are also stumped."

Wen Muyan smiled and shrugged without denying, "You are right. This is really a terrible thing."


Wen Muyan nodded, but finally sighed in relief.

"Okay, I'm just telling you the bad news. I like your stupid mother very much. I want her to be happy, but it's not me who can give her real happiness. She is too kind, too stupid, too Helpless..."

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