Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1566: That's the reason

"That's your self-esteem at work! You two, always feel that compromise is a shameful thing!"

Yuan Yao frowned slightly and was silent.

Susu continued:

"It's not a shame to take a step back for feelings. You and Mingxiu are tossing like this, no one will feel good. If Wen Muyan really likes you, he definitely doesn't want you to be sad or regret it in the future. In front of feelings , We are all selfish wicked, all humble and weak."

Yuan Yao pushed the unfinished cake into the coffee table and looked up at Susu.

Susu smiled and stroked the little head of the beautiful son beside him with a look of satisfaction.

"Anzhi and Liangluo's childhood sweethearts for more than ten years, I am not ignorant, who is not a sage.

Liang Luo made a mistake, but if I forgave Liang Luo at the beginning, or if I assumed that Liang Luo appeared next to An Zhi as a childhood sweetheart, maybe my life will not be as easy as it is now.

Although An Zhi didn't say anything, I know that he has a kind of regret in his heart more or less, after all, it is a relationship for more than ten years. But I still pretend not to know, I will not forgive Liangluo, Anzhi's regret can only become a regret.

Do you say Liang Luo doesn't like Anzhi? No, I know that Liang Luo loves him. But if I am not selfish, the person by his side cannot be me.

Yuan Yao, don't let your feelings involve too many people. After all, it's just a matter of two people. The extra person will definitely be hurt. Just like you choose to be with Wen Muyan now, the person who hurt is Xia Mingxiu.

But you love him and hurt him so much, don't you feel sad? "

Yuan Yao's long eyelashes trembled, and her hands were tightly clasped in front of her, her palms were cold and out of control, trembling impenetrably.

The injury Xia Mingxiu suffered that day and the terrible toss flashed before my eyes...

Ye Susu saw Yuan Yao's visibly shaken look, and said:

"Find a chance and give each other a step down."

Yuan Yao looked up at Ye Susu, opened her mouth, did not say anything at first, held back for a long time, finally leaned on the sofa, and finally said:

"Why should I find a step down? Maybe you are right, but how should I face Mu Yan? I don't want to hurt him! All this is my fault, I made everything so complicated, I Promise him, it will hurt him, and if you don’t promise him, it will hurt him..."


Ye Susu looked at her sympathetically, it was okay that things didn't happen, but once it happened, it was always troublesome to solve it!

Ye Susu gave a light cough, glanced at her son with a raised brow, and pursed her lips.

Glancing at her in pairs, he jumped off the sofa and looked like an old **** was there.

"I went to my study."

"En." Susu smiled at his son and patted his little head.

After leaving in pairs, Su Su approached Yuan Yao, grabbed Yuan Yao's hand, and said:

"Don't feel that compromise is a very embarrassing thing. Being soft in the early stage does not mean that you have to be soft for a lifetime. Hold him in your hand first, and there will be opportunities to torture him later..."

Yuan Yao paused, then looked at Ye Susu with a little surprise, blinked, pointed her finger at Ye Susu, and then upstairs.

Ye Susu smiled unnaturally, "Anyway, it's such a rationale..."


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