Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1578: Your son?

Turning his head to the side, he squinted his eyes and just wanted to take a closer look at Wen Muyan's side face, when the car horn behind him suddenly sounded, the green light in front changed, and he had to start the car.

But the doubts in his heart are getting deeper and deeper, and that side face doesn't look like Wen Muyan.

Familiar, but can't remember who he resembles.


Walking into the bar with Yuan Wenqian, few people saw Xia Mingxiu with a child, and they all coughed because of the smoke. Some people responded quickly. One took the lead and quickly pinched the cigarette in his hand. Extinguished the burning smoke in his hand.

This hotel was Xia Mingxiu's first full-investment bar. It was a way that he just took over the company in order to eliminate the drug addicts in the company.

The bars of my company, on the one hand, can relieve the stress and entertainment of its artists, and all aspects of safety can be guaranteed.

Later, several similar bars were spontaneously opened every few years. Everyone liked the new and disliked the old. The popularity of this original bar gradually declined.

It doesn't mean that people who don't have nostalgia are there, such as Pei Anzhi, who got used to this place at first, found out the door, and said that he was going to drink. Needless to say, he naturally settled here.

Simply, this place has not moved.

When Xia Mingxiu was pulling towards the deck near the inside, Yuan Wenqian glanced at the people beside him who were respectful towards Xia Mingxiu and asked, "Are you also the boss here?"

Xia Mingxiu was choked too many times along the way, and also learned his trick.

"Can you control it?"

Yuan Wenqian wrinkled his nose and became angry.

Pei Anzhi has never been the one who likes to wait for others. Xia Mingxiu took Yuan Wenqian to the quiet booth in the corner, in exchange for the waiter to prepare a cup of hot milk for Yuan Wenqian.

Yuan Wenqian held the milk and sarcastically said:

"What you said is to come to the bar? You come here to sit like this? You bring me here, so you can drink this for me?"

Xia Mingxiu gritted his teeth secretly, regretting that he had promised to take this child with him.

When Pei An came, Yuan Wenqian had already drank a whole glass of milk.

Seeing Pei Anzhi coming from a distance, Yuan Wenqian curled his lips, "So I was waiting for someone."

Xia Mingxiu caught a glimpse of Pei Anzhi coming and beckoned to Yuan Wenqian, "Come here and sit here!"


Yuan Wenqian sat next to Xia Mingxiu holding the cup very obediently.

Pei Anzhi saw the little man next to Xia Mingxiu from a distance, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Naturally, it was surprising. People like Xia Mingxiu would be accompanied by a child, which seemed weird no matter what.

Where did the child come from?

Wear sunglasses in this place?

Taking off his suit jacket, Pei Anzhi naturally sat opposite Xia Mingxiu calmly.

The wise and sharp eyes looked at Yuan Wenqian's face for a while, then he immediately retracted his gaze, lowered his eyelids, and concealed the look in his eyes, but the corners of his lips were filled with a meaningful arc.

However, it happened to be seen by Yuan Wenqian who was opposite.

His body tightened involuntarily, and he always felt that this extraordinary man in front of him was simply dangerous.

There was wine on the marble table in front of him, and Pei Anzhi slightly curled his lips, looking at Xia Mingxiu with a smile.

"Your son?" questioned.

Xia Mingxiu paused and shook his head.


Pei Anzhi raised his eyebrows, "Huh?" He cast his eyes on Yuan Wenqian's body again, still with an inexplicable smile, staring at Yuan Wenqian's sunglasses, and said with a smile: "No?"

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