Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1582: Lost the little ancestor

The time spent in the bar was not long, but even the driving time, more than forty minutes was enough to make Liang Lin and Chen Hui anxious to death.

The two people who waited outside for more than 20 minutes did not see their young master come out, and finally did not hold back when they returned to the hall. Not only did they not have the back of the young master, but upon asking, they heard that the young master was also the president of Aurora Media. bought.

Was taken away?

Was taken away? !

Does this mean that they lost that little ancestor as soon as they returned to China!

As a result, Chen Hui patiently asked the receptionist in the lobby: "Then do you know where your president took our young master?"

The receptionist could see from the very beginning that the little boy was precious, and later heard that the boy was still the son of Yuan Yao, the queen of the movie, and knew both of them.

After hearing Chen Hui's cold face as if interrogating a prisoner, she thought about it for a moment and really thought of what she wrote.

"Young Master Haunted Xia always wanted Xia to take him to find his mother!"

It’s no wonder that they just remembered it for a long time. At first they were shocked by the story of the queen’s son, and the interaction between Xia Zong and the young master made them forget for a while that Xia Zong and the young master were talking. what.

When Chen Hui heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, and Liang Lin hurried towards Yuan Yao's villa.

One week of vacation is a big holiday for a popular star.

Because it is extremely rare, and because of the temptation of food on the road, Yuan Yao plans to have a good meal this time.

The sky is gloomy and the rain is not heavy, but this kind of weather...

Isn’t it the most suitable for hot pot?

Speaking of it, she really hasn’t eaten hot pot for too long,

He rushed into the kitchen excitedly, busy with the servant himself, just to have a good hot pot.

But Wen Muyan didn't know what he was up to lately, and he always disappeared from the entertainment circle.

However, it is not bad to eat alone.

But as soon as the hot pot was eaten in his mouth, Liang Lin and Chen Hui arrived.

Seeing Liang Lin and Chen Hui, Yuan Yao's eyes widened instantly.

"You... how do you..."

Chen Hui had already asked other people outside, and there was only the lady herself in the villa.

But I couldn't keep things from happening. Chen Hui said with an ugly expression to Yuan Yao:

"Miss Yuan, the young master has returned to China!"

With a "click", the chopsticks in Yuan Yao's hand fell on the table and bounced to the ground again.

It took a long time to react, and his hands suddenly hit the table, making a loud noise, and the person instantly stood up from the chair.

"what did you say?!!"

The sharp sound almost pierced the eardrums of several people!

Chen Hui blinked, her waist involuntarily bent lower.

"Miss Yuan..."

"What about him? Where is he now?"

Yuan Yao kicked off the chair, strode to Liang Lin and Chen Hui, and asked almost aggressively. After looking at the door of the villa for a long time, she never saw the little guy.

Chen Hui exuded a thin layer of cold sweat on her forehead, and she moved her lips and couldn't say a word.

Upon seeing this, Liang Lin stepped forward and kept Chen Hui behind him. He looked at Yuan Yao and said, "Miss Yuan, the young master said that he was anxious to see you when he got out of the airport. Let us take him to Aurora Media... "

Yuan Yao's body shook suddenly, and a dazzling white light smashed into her head like sharp sword energy, and all the nerves were cut off at that moment...

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