Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1586: What you like is what i like

"Will you starve to death if you don't eat two meals?" Yuan Wenqian immediately went back.

"Will you die if you don't talk back to me?!" Xia Mingxiu was almost blown up by this green hat.

He said that he could not wait to get him back for ten rounds, and would not suffer a bit of a loss.

Yuan Wenqian glared at Xia Mingxiu through the sunglasses, "I won't die, I will be crazy!"

Xia Mingxiu, my hand on the steering wheel suddenly tightened, and the force rubbed against the leather cover on the steering wheel and squeaked.

Yuan Wenqian raised his eyebrows, and he could see that Xia Mingxiu seemed to be really angry, and he no longer had to keep an inch.

"Are you going to take me to eat?" The voice sounded really immature and innocent, soft and loving.

Xia Mingxiu laughed coldly when he heard the words. This is after he was half mad, and then give him another act of acting cute and begging for reconciliation?

Really he can't see his clever tricks like this?

"Why should I take you to eat?"

Yuan Wenqian frowned, "Then what did you mean by asking me how long I eat?"

Xia Mingxiu raised his eyebrows, "I am very happy to prove that you have been hungry for a long time."


Yuan Wenqian has never seen such a owing man.

Before long, Xia Mingxiu parked his car at the entrance of a restaurant.

Yuan Wenqian pouted his lips and asked knowingly, "What are you doing here?"

Xia Mingxiu glanced at him irritably, "Can't I be hungry and want to eat?"


Yuan Wenqian did not speak obediently this time, and now he can use him, so he will fill his stomach for a while.

The waiter in the restaurant walked to Xia Mingxiu's car with an umbrella, and welcomed Xia Mingxiu down.

Xia Mingxiu walked around to the right side of the car, opened the door, and Yuan Wenqian, who had already unfastened his seat belt, turned his chin up to face him, and looked at him happily through two black glasses.

The rain is now heavy, and the rain falls along the edge of the umbrella, like a curtain of water.

Xia Mingxiu glanced at him with disgust, stooping to hold Yuan Wenqian in his arms.

Yuan Wenqian's expressionless face moved, his tight jaw still couldn't hold back, loosened, and the corners of his lips opened a small arc.

By the way, the waiter closed the door and greeted Xia Mingxiu and Yuan Wenqian into the restaurant with umbrellas.

Putting Yuan Wenqian on a chair in the restaurant, Xia Mingxiu ordered the menu by himself, taking the menu from the waiter.

I deliberately ignored Yuan Wenqian for a while.

Then he looked up at the little guy, frowned first, and tried again: "Can you take off your sunglasses?"

Yuan Wenqian shook his head.

Perhaps expecting this result, Xia Mingxiu did not insist anymore and continued:

"What do you like to eat?"

Yuan Wenqian was really hungry. Because of Xia Mingxiu's move to take him to dinner, he was in a big mood and curled his thin lips. He said, "Did you like what you ordered just now?"

Xia Mingxiu looked at him as an idiot. He spent a long time ordering a bunch of things he didn't like to eat?

Are you sick?

While despising Yuan Wenqian, he made a soft "um" on his mouth.

"It's strange, what you like to eat is also what I like!"

Xia Mingxiu's expression stiffened slightly.

Yuan Wenqian continued, "Then give me a small portion of what you ordered."


Xia Mingxiu responded and passed the menu to the waiter.

Knowing that he has something to eat, Yuan Wenqian said in a good mood and said to himself, "I don't like to eat coriander, green onion, celery, and all beans!"

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