Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1588: Can I believe you?

Yuan Wenqian shook his head, "No...I should go back, you take me to find my mother!"

Yuan Wenqian's voice was a bit tight, and his immature voice was calm and cold.

Xia Mingxiu glanced at the debris on the ground, her dark eyes tightened, stood up and pulled Yuan Wenqian out.

Yuan Wenqian kept silent in the car, and Xia Mingxiu silently increased the speed as much as possible.

Although I don't know why the little guy suddenly looks like this, his heart is also inexplicably strange.

This mood is baseless, and there is no reason for him to find himself ridiculous.

But when he returned to the villa where Yuan Yao lived with Yuan Wenqian, Tie Zhengzheng proved that the little guy's abnormality, and his inexplicable emotions, are justified!

When the whole villa saw Yuan Wenqian, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and they were simply happy.

But Yuan Wenqian's voice was so cold that it made people feel cold.

It was even more abrupt in the bursts of laughter:

"Where is my mother?"

As soon as the sound came out, the noisy villa instantly became quiet.

"Young Master, your mother knew you were lost, so she went out to find you! Didn't you see her on the road?"

Yuan Wenqian's head suddenly turned out of the window, the heavy rain still pouring.

"She went out alone?"

"...Yes, young master. Miss Yuan knew that you were taken away in Aurora International, and she cried very much. We have never seen Miss Yuan cry so sad!"

"Yes, young master, your mother is crying very poorly, don't be angry with her anymore, she is really worried about you!"

Yuan Wenqian's face suddenly became gloomy, a sharp and bloodthirsty aura radiated from his small body, and the atmosphere became dull with his mood.

Xia Mingxiu's eyebrows were frowning, and his extremely dark eyes flashed with sharp light, like a sword blade, reaching the most sensitive nerve of everyone.

Before Yuan Wenqian could speak, Xia Mingxiu's cold and steady voice sounded deep.

"First take the young master down to rest, find a few people who are familiar with the surrounding terrain, and go out with me to find someone."

Breaking the cold room, Xia Mingxiu has dominated the entertainment kingdom for many years, and the command has been handed in hand to give orders. He is magnificent and has a brilliant temperament. When everyone reacted, he had already done all of Xia Mingxiu's instructions.

Before leaving, Yuan Wenqian called to Xia Mingxiu and asked him calmly and indifferently:

"Can I trust you?"

"Can you get my mother back?"

"Although my mother is a fool, she is very important to me! Do you understand?"

The voice is not emotional, but it makes people cry.

"I will get her back."

There was only one answer to three consecutive questions, but Yuan Wenqian's cold and tense expression gradually loosened.

He took off his sunglasses, a pair of black eyes that were indistinguishable from Xia Mingxiu calmly watched Xia Mingxiu's tall and slender figure stepping into the rain curtain without hesitation. As he drifted away, his thin lips became loose.

Liang Lin and Chen Hui were still in shock and did not return to their senses.

The man who sent the young master back just now, he looks like...

That man is the president of Aurora International, Xia Mingxiu?

Yuan Wenqian turned and looked at the two people, frowning.

"Aren't you looking for it?"

The two suddenly recovered, staring at Yuan Wenqian's small face for a long time.

The shock in my heart is comparable to the stormy sea.

They finally knew why Miss Yuan was so ruined when she heard that Young Master Xia was taken away in the villa before!

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