Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1593: Conscience is eaten by you!

There was no reaction for the first time. When she understood, Xia Mingxiu had already spoken again.

"Do you think I have nothing to do when I'm full. It rained so hard just to see your jokes?"

Yuan Yao curled her mouth, tightened her suit jacket tightly, wrapping herself a little bit tight.

"It's hard to say, you are such a boring person! Have you never heard that a good mood can last for a long time? You are happy if you don't see me getting better, and you can live two more years if you are happy, although it is a bit more Jin, but it’s worth the extra two years of living! You know this account quite clearly, you deserve to be Xia Mingxiu, a profiteer!"

"..." Xia Mingxiu looked at Yuan Yao speechlessly, how bad he was in her heart, she could also say such strong words.

It turns out that she still has the ability to talk and talk!

"Why don't you speak? I was hit by me, and I am guilty!"

"Yuan Yao, do you still have a conscience?"

Yuan Yao blinked, "No, you've already eaten it!"

Smart as Xia Mingxiu, Yuan Yao's cleverness makes him look like a mirror in his heart.

This is an idea to try not to take the opportunity to frustrate him!

Conscience was eaten by dogs!

Her conscience was eaten by him!

"You also know that there is still a little bit of IQ in this kind of boring shit."

Yuan Yao raised her eyebrows, knowing that Xia Mingxiu heard that she was scolding him.

It was meant to be audible to him, if he couldn't hear it, she would still feel boring!

Seeing the incomparable expression on Yuan Yao's face, Xia Mingxiu snorted coldly and stood up.

Yuan Yao looked at him unclearly.

"Perhaps you are right. Since I saw you in such embarrassment with my own eyes, I am relieved. I am happy enough. If you continue to be embarrassed, I will leave first!"

As Xia Mingxiu said, he turned around, apparently planning to leave.

The trousers were suddenly grabbed and pulled him back hard.

"Xia Mingxiu, you can't do this!"

There was some panic and faint softness in his voice.

Xia Mingxiu turned his back to her, and the corners of his lips curled up. He was not good at the moment. The mud and rain all over his body were soaked, and the hair was close to her forehead, dripping continuously.

Speaking of embarrassment, Yuan Yao is not alone,

He also knew that Yuan Yao had almost become an instinct to talk back to him. If some words were put on others, it was estimated that a hundred times would not be enough to die.

But he couldn't make himself angry with her. His words sounded harsh, but his chest couldn't gather the emotions that he should have.

Look, this is her, that's how she recognizes the reality, knowing that he might leave her behind, should he be soft or be soft.

However, for some things, she always stubbornly wished to drive people crazy and angry!

Facts have proved that her compromise is still very useful to him.

Under the messy hair, he looked far away, with a faint smile.

"Why can't I do this?"

Yuan Yao clutched Xia Mingxiu's pants tightly, and did not intend to let go.

"Will your conscience hurt?"

For a long time, Yuan Yao said such a word in a dull manner.

Xia Mingxiu almost laughed, "It won't hurt! My conscience has long been eaten by you!"

Yuan Yao gritted her teeth, this scrupulous bastard.

"Let go of me, I am leaving!"

Xia Mingxiu lifted his leg, Yuan Yao grasped his pants tightly again, and said nothing.

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