He was also looking at her in the same way. Yuan Yao's heart was suddenly pained by those cold and indifferent eyes. Finally, she gritted her teeth and retracted her gaze without looking at him anymore.

"Mr. Xia, please come in!"

The servant beside him whispered, not daring to get too close to him.

Xia Mingxiu's gaze passed through the two open doors of the villa, and the servants swayed back and forth in a hurry.

His brows deepened, and a cool light flashed in his black eyes.

"no need!"

After leaving the three words coldly, he turned around and walked towards his car.

The figure staggered suddenly.

"Mr. Xia..."

The servant made a move to stay, but seeing Xia Mingxiu's indifferent and decisive back, he finally didn't force it anymore.

In the villa, Wen Muyan took Yuan Yao directly into her room, and ordered the servant to prepare hot water for Yuan Yao to take a bath.

Yuan Wenqian sat motionless on the sofa for more than two hours, and suddenly jumped off the sofa when he saw Wen Muyan coming back holding Yuan Yao.

Followed Wen Muyan all the way to Yuan Yao's bedroom.

Looking at Yuan Yao's large and small scars, Wu Hei's quiet eyes shrank, standing not far from the bed, unexpectedly guilty of not going forward.

Lying on the bed sideways, Yuan Yao saw the little figure she hadn't seen for a long time, and she stood not far away from her, feeling all kinds of feelings in her heart.

He really sent the child back to her!

She raised her hand, waved to Yuan Wenqian, motioned to let him go to her side.

Wen Muyan turned and glanced at Yuan Wenqian, Yuan Wenqian paused, and finally lifted his foot to the side of the bed.


He yelled softly, his tone full of guilt.

Yuan Yao bit her lips tightly, her beautiful eyes were instantly smeared with moisture.

She raised her hand to caress Yuan Wenqian's cheek, looking grateful and loving.

But the next second, with a "pop", Yuan Wenqian's small body tilted to one side.

A dazzling blush instantly appeared on half of his immature face.

The air in the bedroom stagnated for two seconds, and everyone in the room was shocked by the scene in front of them and speechless.

Wen Muyan was the first to react, and crouched down and hugged Yuan Wenqian who was lying next to the bed in his arms.

"Yuan Yao! Why are you hitting him?!"

Wen Muyan held Yuan Wenqian's small head in his heart, and looked distressedly at the place that Yuan Yao had just slapped on. He couldn't move, so he could only blow gently at that place.

Wen Muyan's question caused Yuan Yao's tears to burst instantly.

Yuan Yao didn't have much energy left, the slap in Yuan Wenqian's slap was actually not very heavy.

However, Yuan Yao had never hit him, even though it was not a heavy slap, Yuan Yao's heart was about to split distressedly.

"Why should I beat him?! Am I not qualified to beat him?!" Yuan Yao said hoarse, her tears couldn't stop, "He went back to China without saying hello. What did he do after returning home?!"

"If coming back is so easy for him, why should I wait for five years?! If I could, when I came back, why did I endure not seeing each other for two months and leave him alone..."

Wen Muyan paused, looked up at Yuan Yao, her eyes aching.

"I brought Wen Qian back! The person you should hit most is me!"

Yuan Yao's eyes widened in an instant, she turned her head stiffly, and put her gaze on Wen Muyan's eyes.

"You... let him come back?"

Wen Muyan looked down, not to cater to Yuan Yao's unbelievable sight!

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