Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1600: What do you know

In the hospital, a slender figure holding an umbrella, braved the rain and covered the night, hurried into the hospital...

Qiu Lin's scalp was a little numb, and half an hour ago, when he received a call from Xia Mingxiu, the overcast tone made people sound like his skin tightened.

He was very puzzled, when did he provoke this big Buddha?

In such bad weather, he is not at home because of something to ask the family doctor to come forward, and what will he do in his hospital? !

In the senior nursing room, the doctor lowered his head and tremblingly treated Xia Mingxiu's wounds.

Xia Mingxiu sat on the leather chair with a sullen face and pale face. He pressed his lips tightly, turned his head out of the window, and looked at the dark window with a deep gaze. The rain was flowing through the beautiful scene, and he was silent.

The doctor was sweating on his head and trembling hands to treat the wound.

I never knew that a person's pain resistance would be so strong. At first I didn't think there was anything. At first I saw a man who was soaked in rain and embarrassed.

But if you are more careful, you will find that this level of embarrassment is simply terrifying.

It should not be guessed that the president of Aurora International, one of the world's largest, and an expensive man with a perverted habit of cleanliness, will one day allow himself to be like this.

Now the wet clothes on the body have not been changed. The knees of the high-end suits and trousers are already torn. The fine and broken holes are obviously the knees that are pierced and worn by sharp objects, while the sandstones are inlaid. Going into his knee, it was bloody.

The doctor is now holding the tweezers and carefully picking out the gravel embedded in the skin.

Although he is used to seeing blood and gore, as a doctor, he also knows how much pain a person has.

All in this way, the person concerned is still indifferent, not even frowning, enjoying the rain scene.

Really admire.

When Qiu Lin came in, the doctor who handled the wound was already sweating profusely. He had just cleaned up the sand and stones, and was applying medicine at the moment.

Seeing Xia Mingxiu's embarrassment, Qiu Lin was taken aback for a moment, but he couldn't react.

Putting the clothes bag in his hand next to Xia Mingxiu, Qiu Lin frowned and asked, "What's the matter? It's so miserable?"

Xia Mingxiu turned his head, raised his eyes, and looked at Qiu Lin faintly, his eyes flickering strangely again and again, and dark lights flooded.

Qiu Lin was tightened again by this line of sight.

When the doctor finally took care of the wound, he ordered some precautions, then turned and walked out of the nursing ward.

"What the **** is going on? You call me here in this kind of weather, not just for me to send you clothes?"

Xia Mingxiu changed his clothes and stood by the window, looking into the rain, not knowing what he was thinking.

When Qiu Lin finally couldn't bear to retreat, Xia Mingxiu finally spoke.

"Qiu Lin..."


Qiu Lin was so scared,

Nima, he is too embarrassed!

I have never been tough in front of a few of them in my life.

But it didn't matter much, he just had to be tough against his relatives.

Thinking of the little wife and precious son at home, Qiu Lin immediately became happy.

But seeing Xia Mingxiu like that, he was almost to death.

"What's wrong, you can tell me! I...I have a family, I can't wait..."

Xia Mingxiu slowly turned around, his deep eyes were in danger.

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