Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1604: He is my father

Yuan Wenqian walked to the open space of the floor-to-ceiling windows, took a yoga ball that Yuan Yao used when doing yoga, put it beside Yuan Yao's bed, climbed onto the yoga ball, and sat quietly.

Then he replied: "I shouldn't have gone to Aurora International to find you, and then I just ran into your boss i..."

Yuan Yao choked, always feeling Wen Muyan's words sound a bit awkward.

I didn't think it deeply, but focused on another important issue.

"What happened yesterday? Seeing Xia Mingxiu, did you vaguely guess something a little bit?"

Yuan Wenqian couldn't help lowering his head and rolled his eyes secretly.

"Talk to you!"

Yuan Yao urged impatiently.

Yuan Wenqian raised his head, the contempt in his eyes could not be recovered in the future.

Yuan Yao gritted her teeth, and before reaching out, she heard Yuan Wenqian's immature voice rang.

"Can you not be so stupid, what is vaguely, guessed a little bit... That is obvious at first, I understand very well, the president of Aurora International, that is, your temporary boss, is my birthright? father!"

Yuan Yao opened her eyes wide in horror, "You actually know? Still so sure!?"

"...Obviously, okay? Why are you so stupid, as long as anyone with eyes can see it! You gave me so much like him."

"No, no! What I want to say is not this!"

Yuan Yao suddenly spoke, her tone sounded nervous and urgent.

"I want to ask, you recognize it at such a young age, then I think, last night, that **** didn't seem to find your identity?!"

Yuan Wenqian lowered his head, a wise and sharp light flashed in his dark and bright eyes.

"I followed him and never took off my sunglasses. He shouldn't have thought that there is still mine in this world."

So, for the sake of him not being very annoying, I reminded him of the details.

It is estimated that now, he almost knows it.

Once he has doubts, he always has a way to verify.

This matter should still be difficult for him.

Yuan Yao stared at Yuan Wenqian for a long time, raised her hand across Yuan Wenqian's eyes, and then stared at him and looked around.

"No, you are still you, I can tell at a glance, you are my son!"

Yuan Wenqian turned his head, avoided Yuan Yao's hand, looked at her contemptuously for a long time, suffocated for something to say, and finally just sighed heavily.

"Yeah, he may not be as smart as you!"

A mother who has watched him for five years, knowing that she is her son, said such a thing, is so complacent, thinks she is a clever stupid woman, what else can he say?

In order to prevent Yuan Yao from being stupid with herself again, Yuan Wenqian seized the initiative, "What were you thinking about just now?"


Yuan Wenqian took two deep breaths, and patiently explained:

"Before I came in, you were lying on the bed alone, what were you thinking with your eyes open?!"

Yuan Yao thought for a while, turned her sideways slightly, stared at Yuan Wenqian, and curled her lips slightly. Anyway, her son is smart, so she can talk to him.

"Wen Qian, do you think your Uncle Wen is weird recently?"

Yuan Wenqian raised his eyes, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yuan Yao, and said, "How to say?"

Yuan Yao frowned, looking very tangled, "I don't know how to say it? I just think...he...what's different!"

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