Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1608: Top competitor

At first, only feelings were the answer.

Therefore, "Upper" has been suspended for five years.

In five years, a press conference was issued without warning, which caught everyone off guard.

Why is it so sudden? !

Things that everyone knows--

Yuan Yao is back!

The director Lin admitted that, "Yuan Yao, an actor, is lacking in all aspects, but it is also suitable for supporting roles. I am a person who pursues perfection, but what I think of perfection is to create an imperfect role. . What is perfect is not one of us, but God."

Yuan Yao came back, and "Upper" decided to reopen.

Such a coincidence makes people think about it.


In Aurora International Media, all the celebrities heard the news, and they all secretly rushed to participate in the drama "La Traviata".

Almost all of the goals of several first-tier, second-tier and third-tier actresses are on the so-called female partner Huawan in "Upper".

In the gym on the 30th floor of Aurora International, a row of treadmills faced the huge French windows. Several actresses ran at a constant speed in cool clothes. Because they were talking about "Upper", some of them gave up exercising. All Gathered around the treadmill, chattering.

"So it's time to prove everyone's strength and luck. It is estimated that at least 90% of us want to play Huawan, right?" The popular Xiaoyu female makeup fennel, who has just been picked up recently, does not shy away from this topic. .

Generally, this kind of topic of contending for a piece of meat at the same time is known to be one of the most sensitive topics, especially when the disputes between the government department of the same company are the most unclear.

Zhuangmei dared to be so unobtrusive, and apparently she was recently touted by the company.

But this topic is something everyone can’t help but want to participate in.

The so-called knowing oneself, knowing the enemy, knowing each other, knowing who is fighting for which role, and how many people are fighting for which role, these information are very important.

"Yes, I really want to. But I didn't have too much hope. It's all up to the agent."

"I think the role of the actress Huawan is very good, but the role of the heroine Huakai is also good, although the image is a bit old, but if the performance is good, it will be a good way to pave the way for more scripts in the future. Some roles are good, but they may not be suitable for you. It’s not yours, so don’t fight..."

It was Ye Huanhuan, who had just joined the company, and she was also an innocent little woman who was full of illusions about the future and planned to go up step by step.

Regarding her words, several first- and second-tier actresses with a bit of experience couldn’t help but laugh, while most of the second- and third-tier stars pressed their lips tightly, knowing some things, but pretending to be deaf. .

A few looked at each other inadvertently, and they were silent.

Everyone who should be smiling is smiling, the one who should be running is still running, and the one who should be silent has been silent.

The atmosphere suddenly went cold, and Ye Huanhuan was a little at a loss.

"That's right, it's not that the actor is not a good actor, but that the role is not suitable for you, it's a joke!"

A Lang Lang's voice sounded from the door of the gym. Several people looked up, only to find that it was Bai Hao, the vice president of Aurora International.

The running actress got off the treadmill, and Qi Qi said hello to Bai Hao.

But Zhuanghui was the only one who continued to run. He first glanced at Bai Hao, then gave a cold snort, turned his head and pretended not to see him.

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