Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1613: An eye-catching promotional photo

Miaoguang glanced at Yuan Yao's publicity photos again, and looked away impatiently, coldly, and saw that the publicity administrative secretary on the side was also staring at Yuan Yao's photos.

There was a wave of disgust in my heart, "Why do you have to choose this as a promotional photo? Doesn't it fit the image in the play?!"

En Sisi turned to look at the administrative secretary in the Propaganda Department, stunned.

The administrative secretary froze for a moment, and was a little unhappy with Ensisi's attitude.

"I don't know, President Xia personally decided this!"

Ensisi gritted her teeth and looked at Yuan Yao's photo again, only to feel that she was an eyesore.

The elevator reached the first floor, and the executive secretary got out of the elevator.

Ensisi leads directly to the underground garage.

"Decide personally? Oh, it's really special!"

Ensisi sneered and got out of the elevator with the car key.

Pressing the unlock button, she just opened the door, but her waist was tight, and then she flipped over. She was already pressed on the seat of the car.

Ensi panicked, and in the next second, there was no flash in her eyes, but she pushed away the person who was pressing on her with a cold face.

"You let me go!"

She stared at Bai Hao fiercely, frowned, in a gesture of complete resistance.

"You didn't come to see me today? You didn't even say hello when you met..."

Bai Hao buried his head between Ensisi's neck, and took a deep breath of the perfume and flesh on the woman's body-the delicate fragrance of the mixed body.

Ensisi snorted coldly, pushed Bai Hao away again, straightened up from the seat, and looked at him mockingly.

"Isn't President Bai busy? How am I ashamed to disturb you?"

"Huh? You are... jealous?"

and also?

Oh, if you are really jealous, you really can't eat it!

Bai Hao stretched out his hand and stroked Ensisi's graceful body, with a very innocent tone.

"You are so reserved and conservative, no one in the whole company knows that I dote on you the most. You just don't understand my true heart for you, and you are not willing to follow me. I am a normal man again, and I always need to vent..."

Ensisi smiled contemptuously and mockingly, "What would you think if you let those women who were suppressed by you hear this? For example, the makeup just now?"

Bai Hao shrugged indifferently, with a chuckle in his eyes.

A face of fearlessness, just staring at her faintly.

Ensisi glanced at him, rolled his eyes, turned his head to the side, and admitted that he was asking for something boring.

The contacts in this company are so complicated, she knows that Bai Hao often starts with the actresses in the company, and others must know it.

It's nothing more than a flesh-body transaction. I betray the flesh-body. You give me the corresponding resources.

What she just said is really naive.

Her face was a little embarrassed, turn her head away, her strong self-esteem made her turn her head away...

"Why don't you speak, you really didn't come to me?"


Ensisi didn't speak, but the long eyelashes under the silver eyeshadow trembled slightly.

A gleam of light flashed from the bottom of Bai Hao's eyes, and he stretched out a hand to pinch her chin, a pair of phoenix eyes looked at the woman in front of him, his brown eyes trembled slightly, and his bright red lipstick lips were plump and tangible, alluring and sexy.

Bai Hao raised his finger and covered her red lips, rubbing it lightly, a piece of red lipstick was applied to his hand, he looked back with his hand, and licked the lipstick little by little with his tongue.

En Sisi frowned and raised his eyelids to watch his movements. The distance between the two of them was very close. In the small carriage, the atmosphere was extremely ambiguous.

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