Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1616: Whose idea is it

"She was only signed for two months in the contract. Two months later... No, she will terminate the contract with our company in less than one month, right? Aurora International has you and Mr. Xia, and will do the best We fight for roles, right?"

Bai Hao sighed, raised his eyelids, and looked at Ensisi helplessly.

"Have you seen the video jointly sent by the crew of "Upper" that made Liang Luo ruin?"

En Sisi shook her head. At that time, she was only nineteen years old, in her third year of high school, studying day and night, how could she have watched that video, and the speed of deletion was so fast that there was no residue.

I just heard that Liang Luo was jealous of Mrs. Pei who was pregnant, and Hutchison hated Yuan Yao, who had robbed Yuan Yaoyao of her role, with one stone and two birds with one stone, pretending to accidentally push Yuan Yao into the water, stimulating Mrs. Pei to have a miscarriage!

"Yuan Yao was only pushed into the sea back then, so she wouldn't suffer too much injury, then why did she suddenly disappear?!"

Bai Hao looked at her helplessly.

Ensisi's eyes flashed, "I don't know what happened five years ago..." She suddenly paused, her tone a little tough, "I just want a role, you tell me so much about what to do ?!"

"You don't know what happened five years ago, then you should know that our President Xia has been looking for a woman for the past five years..."

En Sisi's eyes suddenly widened, and it felt as if someone had slammed his head with a hammer, and he became sober at the moment he smashed his muddled head.

In her mind, she recalled the photo of Yuan Yao that she had just seen in the elevator. It was clearly not in line with the promotion of "Queen", but she still used that picture with a sweet and bright smile as a promotional image. The administrative secretary of the Propaganda Department said, President Xia personally chose it!

She guessed that in the elevator of President Xia, it must be the same picture.

The woman Xia has been looking for for five years is Yuan Yao!


Ensisi was stunned for a while, curling her eyebrows and staring at Bai Hao's handsome face for a long time.

After that, he shook his head again and asked:

"You just told me so much about the remake of "Upper" five years later. Is it the decision of Director Lin or President Xia?"

"I also told you that if Lin Huai wants to remake it, he will remake it soon! Maybe it's because in Lin Huai's eyes, no one is more suitable for the role of Huawan than Yuan Yao. But, in this world There is no one who can't be fired without, and there is no one who can't replace it."

En Sisi sneered.

"You are really bad to the bone! Women are naturally replaceable in your eyes, but Mr. Xia, you can only wait for one woman in five years! You two are really incomparable!"

The skirt belt on Ensisi's shoulder has been hooked off by Bai Hao, and at this moment, she is kissing her cold and smooth shoulders.

"If you didn't have such a me, you wouldn't have reached what you are today so quickly, would you?"

Bai Hao’s kiss spread all the way. The woman’s white skin was as condensed as fat, with graceful curves, exuding the elegant fragrance of jasmine, which made Bai Hao tirelessly kiss, breathe, hand and body all the way down, lifting Ensisi’s legs. The scorching kiss was printed on it, bit by bit to the soft leg of the woman-the root.

Maybe it triggered Ensisi's sensitivity---point, the provoked En was actually shuddering, and suddenly propped up her body, with a trace of defense on her blushing face.

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