Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1634: Talking broke?

When she came out of the Baifeng Hotel, Yuan Yao didn't bring her a time hat on her head.

A face with light makeup and plain makeup has a solemn expression, frowning eyebrows, thin lips tightening, and looking very bad mood.

The few people who had been guarding outside were also a little confused.

This expression is like this, but Director Lin hasn't come out to see her?

This is, no agreement? Talking broke?

So, Yuan Yao didn't take this drama?

Hope was rekindled in some artists, and the headaches became those reporters.

I just swore to myself, and now I feel that things may be difficult to handle!

Everything before was just speculation, but in this scene, if the magazine is released, the final result is not true. This is something that will damage the reputation of the magazine.

Although there are still things to write today, the burst point is not generally low compared to the previous ones.

Before long, Lin Huai also walked out of the box.

The expression in the past was calm and indifferent. The reporters couldn't hold back anymore and swarmed around Lin Huai and began to constantly ask what happened.

Yuan Yao really pushed "Upper"?

Is it possible to continue the discussion?

Lin Huai's face gradually became cold, and he didn't know what he was actually upset about, so he got into his car with a difficult face.

Lin Huai's expression was obviously also extremely bad.

The reporters already have a spectrum in their hearts.

So the next day, none of the magazines and news made a clear unilateral "decision" of the night's decision.

Almost all reports can be summed up as:

Lin Huai took the initiative to meet the "Flower Night" five years ago.

The film queen is suspected to be separated from Director Lin, and it may be impossible for him to spend the night.

Ensisi was sitting in her nanny car, looking at the magazine in her hand, the corners of her lips curled up with joy.

This situation is really undesirable.

She looked at her agent Lin Shan excitedly, "Shanshan, I have a chance to play Huanwan too! I finally get this role!"

The agent Lin Shan sat aside, smiled and nodded, and said:

"Yeah, to get this role, you must be the next queen. You are really talented, you can definitely do it."

Ensisi nodded vigorously, "I will work harder!"

Lin Shan smiled, lowered her head and looked at a magazine on her lap. The lumps between her eyebrows gradually congealed.

Keeping his eyes on Yuan Yao's solemn face that was completely exposed to the reporter's lens, there seemed to be something wrong.

En Sisi noticed Lin Shan's strangeness, and followed her vision to see the magazine spread out on her lap. Although it was another one, the content was basically the same.

But her expression suddenly made her nervous again.

She asked carefully:

"Shanshan, what's the matter?"

Lin Shan looked up at her, her eyes a little serious.

She pointed to the magazine on her lap and asked with some uncertainty:

"Where is Yuan Yao's hat?"

En Sisi frowned, picked up the magazine in her hand and flipped through it, and found that Yuan Yao was indeed wearing a hat when she entered the hotel. When she left the hotel, she did not. The whole face was almost under the lens of the reporter. .

She frowned, wondering why Lin Shan had to pay attention to such small things.

Sitting up straight, Ensisi replied to Lin Shan boredly:

"Maybe because you forgot!"


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