Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1638: Xia Mingxiu is very virtuous

"Not moving yet?" Xia Mingxiu urged.

Yuan Yao rolled her eyes, "If you don't go out, how do I get up? Xia Mingxiu, are you mentally retarded!"

"Where have I not seen you up and down?"

"You..." Yuan Yao's face was flushed, and she turned her head left and right to look for something angrily, wanting to vent her breath.

As a result, he couldn't find anything. Just about to ask Xia Mingxiu to "get out", Xia Mingxiu had already walked towards the door.

Yuan Yao held her breath in her chest without sending out.

In the end, he took a deep breath, lifted the quilt and got out of the bed.

Then I found out that the pajamas on her body were actually very conservative.


When Yuan Yao packed everything and went downstairs, there was no one in the living room. He followed the voice and found that Yuan Wenqian and Xia Mingxiu, one small and one big, were eating breakfast leisurely.

When the servant saw her coming, he hurriedly carried out her share.

Yuan Yao casually found a place to sit down and watched Xia Mingxiu while eating, without saying a word.

Yuan Wenqian knew exactly why Yuan Yao looked at Xia Mingxiu like this.

The trick of staring at people without saying a word is her strong point.

Take another peek at Xia Mingxiu!


He still eats slowly, still eats politely, and still has a leisurely and expensive posture, unaffected by it.

Yuan Yao almost stared out.

The breakfast in his mouth could not be chewed into powder by her, and the way she gritted her teeth looked really anxious.

Until the end, it was impossible for Yuan Yao to stare at Xia Mingxiu. On the contrary, Xia Mingxiu wiped her mouth gracefully, put the napkin aside, looked at Yuan Yao and said lightly:

"Are you finished? Hurry up when you are finished!"

Yuan Yao clenched the fork in his hand and almost stuck it into Xia Mingxiu's body without holding back.

It's so hateful that I didn't even have a thank you for coming to her house for breakfast.

Shameless and not like him,


Xia Mingxiu looked at Yuan Yao, raised his eyebrows slightly, turned his head and said to the servant beside him:

"Go and help Yuan Yao prepare a few simple casual clothes, the more comfortable and casual the better."


Yuan Wenqian glanced at Yuan Yao, with a burst of alternative thoughts in his heart.

Why does he have a hunch that if the two people are really together in the future, the positions of the two people seem to be different than in other people's homes.

For example, when two people are compared, what is more virtuous than the home is--

His long-lost father?

Thinking of this, Yuan Wenqian couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Xia Mingxiu.

A black high-end suit wraps a slender body, exuding an innate noble aura. The indifferent and cold temperament makes the whole person appear more aloof, and every expression on a handsome face is extraordinarily compelling. Human momentum.

Such a cold and arrogant man would actually be "viable"? !

Mom, do you know what kind of state you have pushed a man to?

I can't imagine it.

Half an hour later, Yuan Yao stood at the door, watching her small villa courtyard, unexpectedly parked a helicopter.

Yuan Yao was stunned for a long time before turning to look at Xia Mingxiu.


Xia Mingxiu squinted at her, squinting at her with an idiot look.

Yuan Yao clenched her fist secretly, raised her hand to tie her hair into a refreshing pony tail in twos.

Xia Mingxiu glanced at her sideways, white shirt, blue slim jeans, simple and neat long ponytail, white and slender neck, attached to a soft and smooth chin, a bright face with plain indifferent, bright and smart eyes.

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