Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1647: I'm afraid I can't hold myself!

Xia Mingxiu's eyes deepened, "Then... you think, if you are a beast-sexy, I am not capable of resisting you?!"

Yuan Yao clenched her teeth and gave Xia Mingxiu a secret glance.

Then he raised a smile and said:

"Hehe, Xia always thinks too much. It's all about preventing problems before they happen. If it really starts, no one's face will be glorious, right?"

Xia Mingxiu smiled, "It doesn't matter..."

Yuan Yao's fair and beautiful facial features were all wrinkled together, looking at Xia Mingxiu's eyes wishing to break him into pieces.

What is it?

What does it matter?

"That's right, that's it! It's okay, come here, I will show you to the second floor, and I will live in the wedding room of my son and daughter-in-law! Look, you are a blessed person!"

Ma Tie Zhu simply interrupted, not even giving them time to speak.

He directly pulled Yuan Yao upstairs.

"Then what... Tie Zhu his father, you take the big boss to choose a room on the first floor!"

Dad Tie Zhu responded readily from outside the door, ran into the room, glanced at the unusual-looking man beside him, smiled slyly, and led Xia Mingxiu into a room on the side.

Even if the matter was settled, the hospitality was difficult, Yuan Yao sat in a festive wedding room and sighed heavily.

I looked around in the house, except for the celebration of the house, on the whole, it was pretty good.

However, when sitting on the bed at this moment, why do you feel more and more like a newlywed daughter-in-law waiting for her husband to return to the room?

Yuan Yao twitched the corners of her mouth, not that she could not look down on that custom.

It just flashed in my mind just now, it seemed to be Xia Mingxiu's annoying face.

Xia Mingxiu is wearing a Chinese groom suit?

That picture...

Yuan Yao thought for a while, dressed in festive clothes, but with a straight face, as if someone owed him tens of millions, her lips felt ridiculous.

He laughed low, and finally the laughter became more and more uncontrollable, and he rolled onto the bed and started toss.

"Can you pay attention to the image?"

Yuan Yao's laughter stopped abruptly.

Suddenly turned up from the bed.

Looking at Xia Mingxiu who was standing at the door, he picked up the pillow on the bed and wanted to hit Xia Mingxiu.

"The director is still waiting in the courtyard. If you are not afraid, you can throw it at me."

Yuan Yao's anger hit his forehead, but she still hugged the pillow in her arms.

"What's up?"

Yuan Yao squeezed a few words from her teeth.

Xia Mingxiu glanced at her lightly, "It's dinner!"


Yuan Yao responded, threw the pillow aside, and got up from the bed.

Xia Mingxiu was still standing at the door and didn't move. Seeing Yuan Yao walking towards him, she grabbed her wrist.

Yuan Yao's eyes widened in horror, and she subconsciously glanced around outside the room. Seeing that there were no people, she slightly let go of her heart.

"What are you doing?! I thought it was in my house!"

A smile flashed in Xia Mingxiu's eyes, "You mean, in your home, I can do whatever I want?"

Yuan Yao blushed, lowered her voice and said:

"You let go first, do you know that we are in a public place, we should at least keep our distance, or let others guess something..."

"Guess what?"

"What do you mean?!"

Xia Mingxiu snorted and pressed her body towards Yuan Yao for a few minutes, her voice low.

"Which circle do you think you are in? You should have guessed it, others have guessed it. You are naive to think that everyone else is as stupid as you!"

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