Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1649: Value you

If you want to brush your presence in front of him, you might as well stick to Yuan Yao. In this way, the gaze he casts on Yuan Yao may be able to give you a bit of charity.

When Yuan Yao walked out of the room, several artists gathered around her to greet her happily. The admiration in her eyes was obvious, but, God knows what they thought in their hearts.

Yes, even if it was her, it was a purposeful approach to her from the beginning.

Yuan Yao's agent didn't come. The two assistants came with the program group before, and because they had barbecue, they all went to help move things.

Ensisi deliberately walked to Yuan Yao's side after everyone had dispersed, smiling very friendly!

"Hello, I am Enssi under the banner of Aurora. I like your work very much."

Yuan Yao looked up at En Sisi, and smiled politely.

"Thank you for your attention to me, I am honored."

"No, you are a very good actor, not everyone can perform such a successful work!"

Yuan Yao kept the smile on her face all the time, and she could only continue to praise Ensisi further.

Because she didn't know what the other party would say if she continued to be humble.

"I know you, Jiguang still values ​​you very much. Your play is still very good. If the company finds you a good script, you will be successful! Come on! Believe in yourself! There will always be a chance! "

En Sisi deliberately slowed down, Yuan Yao's footsteps were also guided by her unconsciously, and also slowed down.

At this moment, the two people have already separated from the front team.

En Sisi suddenly smiled bitterly when she heard Yuan Yao's words. She sighed for a long time, her expression of helplessness and sadness, even her tone of bitterness.

"Opportunity? Do you know? Having been in this circle for so many years, I discovered how cruel the world is. Two days ago, the company signed a new contract with the world. She said that if you are not yourself, you are not yourself. Yes, as long as you work hard to do your part. You know, we all think she is too naive."

"..." Yuan Yao's expression changed, and she suddenly felt that her footsteps became heavy.

Ensisi looked up at the team gathered in front, and continued:

"We laughed at her because we were once as naive as her. But what the reality is, it never makes you comfortable. If you don't fight with others, others will come to grab you. Opportunities are not What others gave was something we grabbed ourselves. And in my life, what I lack most is an opportunity. I can’t even grab it, or even pay the price I have to pay..."

Yuan Yao's heart suddenly became heavy.

That kind of experience, that kind of journey, made Yuan Yao extremely moved.


For a woman without background, it's really harder than anything.

Obviously, one foot stepped in, and one shoe was wet. In the end, all the efforts were wasted. It was too uncomfortable to be unwilling.

"Yeah, this world is so unfair. All efforts are easily denied. Some people don't even have a chance to work hard... not without talent, not without strength, not worse than others, they just lose. Given this cruel reality..."

Ensisi's eyes were stained with a bit of joy, and she didn't expect Yuan Yao to be so simple and easily infected by her lips.

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