Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1652: She was wrong! !

"Don't say anything?! Are we still eating less of this kind of useless loss?! Aurora only counts her as the most bad water. The whole company knows that Mr. Bai thinks about her, he wants to catch him, and hangs his appetite. Mr. Bai has squeezed our resources from us. Even this time, there was no such thing as her in the original recording. She took the position of Ye Huanhuan again!!"

Han Miaomiao gritted his teeth and stared at Ensisi fiercely, seeing that he really hated Ensisi to the extreme.

Yuan Yao was silent. Although she was very optimistic about the people who took my chances, she also hated the kind of people who used all means to grab roles everywhere.

Because at that time, she didn't eat less of this loss.

Looking at Han Miaomiao's angry look, maybe Ensisi really did this kind of thing.

In an instant, Yuan Yao felt an inexplicable resistance to Ensisi in her heart.

She turned her head and glanced at Ensisi, who was standing aside with aggrieved expression, her eyes became a little distant.

Ensisi panicked and shook his head quickly:

"You are just an artist, what I want, I will fight for it, but I also know what to fight for and what not to fight for! Last time I endorsed SR's new season perfume, I really don't know, it's all in the same company Yes, it’s embarrassing to meet in a studio, isn’t it? If I knew it, I wouldn’t ignore this. At least, it’s the most basic thing for me to avoid it..."

"Bah, the whole company, who doesn't know that you are famously arrogant, arrogant, and bad-minded. You wish we and I were all pressed by you and never looked up in front of you? Would you respect people? You can be hypocritical , But after the hypocrisy, it becomes shameless, understand?!"

Han Miaomiao's voice became louder and louder, attracting a lot of people's onlookers. The crew came out to make a round, and didn't want to make things too big.

Although this kind of place is remote, the news will not be revealed for a while, but here is the assistant of each star. If they are asked to take out the PK, the impact on the program will not be good.

According to the circumstances, everyone likes to watch this kind of tearing scenes, but no one can stand by.

At this time, relief is the wisest choice.

Han Miaomiao refused to give up and continued to shout angrily:

"I want to bear it too! But I'm just not convinced, one by one, don't have any brains? Ensisi's obvious heart of Sima Zhao, but how long did you know her after being famous? You can't wait to stand up. Speak for her? I just can't understand that everyone is turning to her!"

"Is she fighting for opportunities for herself? She used to **** others and now cheats others! She does everything she can do! She strives to fight for opportunities for herself. We are doing our own duty. Is it a mess? Don’t we want opportunities? Some opportunities are obtained only by our own desire?! It’s hard enough just to deal with her not to grab us..."

Han Miaomiao was more aggrieved as he spoke, and he couldn't help but sobbed and cried out, suppressed, his voice was very aggrieved.

Yuan Yao's lips are pursed, and she feels like she has done something wrong this time!

Although I don't know if Ensisi is really hateful, but she just denied the hard work and hard work of the two people.

She is really, too stupid!

"Sorry, I was just impulsive!"

Yuan Yao apologized, her voice was very sincere, and her tone was full of apologies.

Han Miaomiao glanced at her, crying more sideways!

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