Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1655: Why are you everywhere

She ignored his instructions to her.

She was deceived and deceived by other people's trivial words. When she didn't pay attention, Ensisi made another bitter trick. Did she really give up her role to others?

He manages so many artists and employees, which one of them is not easy to deal with.

But when she got here, he was so stupid that he was caught off guard!

Sometimes she looks smart, sometimes she can be stupid.

In his life, the only woman who made him helpless!

Stupid, stupid, stubborn, give him a "mess"!

Really unwilling!

"Xia Mingxiu, can you stop being crazy in front of me? What's wrong with me? Can you clean me up for a while? How come you are everywhere?!"

Xia Mingxiu snorted coldly, and was so angry with a deep nasal voice, "Yuan Yao, if no one is taking care of everything behind your back, you think, why do you get to where you are today?!"

Yuan Yao's eyes reddened suddenly, her eyes widened suddenly, staring at Xia Mingxiu, her chest undulating in a large arc.

"Yes, I'm a fool, I'm so stupid! I deserve to get into trouble, I deserve to offend a group of people!! But what does it have to do with you?! If you can't stand it, stay away from me! Don't look at me! I will be People who are murdered will beg for food, and they will never come to your door to ask for it!!!"

Yuan Yao stretched out her hand and pushed Xia Mingxiu hard, her voice was sharp, shocking several birds in the forest.

Xia Mingxiu's face suddenly became colder, and the anger that couldn't be concealed was full of anger on that face.

Yuan Yao continued to shout angrily, "No matter where I go now or where I stand, it has nothing to do with you. All of this is not for me at all!!!"

Yuan Yao's words accurately hit Xia Mingxiu's most sensitive bottom line at the moment. His face was raging with dark clouds, and it was so dark that people could not help but fought a cold war in his heart.

Yuan Yao didn't want to stay with him for a second longer, turned and left, but Xia Mingxiu suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled Yuan Yao back again!

Yuan Yao's back was suddenly thrown on the trunk behind her. Because of the friction and impact of the rough trunk, Yuan Yao snorted in pain, her face suddenly pale!

Xia Mingxiu's long body suddenly pressed against her, and her voice was terrifying to the extreme.

"I know, it's not me, it's Wen Muyan! It's not Wen Muyan, it will be another man! Yuan Yao, you only have this ability!"

Yuan Yao's heart suddenly throbbed, and she felt cold all over her body instantly, her whole body became depressed and breathless, causing the pain on her back to become numb.

She raised her hand and stroked her chest, for a long while, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

Raising his eyes to look at Xia Mingxiu who was still in anger, his face suddenly became angry.

"So what! What's upsetting you?! Didn't you know it for a long time? From the beginning, I was like this. If it wasn't you, I would definitely find another man! I am about to regret it, I found it Who's not good, I just gotta provoke you asshole!! Can’t understand me, don’t you, then get rid of you and bear it, won’t there be two weeks left? The contract between us expires, I will go back to the UK right away, no In front of you, I will hinder your Xia's eyes!"

Xia Mingxiu narrowed his eyes and suddenly reached out to touch Yuan Yao's slender neck.


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