Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1658: The 1661st trick

Yuan Yao had just arrived, moving around, and the place next to her was vacated.

He frowned unhappily, and watched as the griller brought a few more plates of baked goods and walked over.

Yuan Yao swallowed her saliva, turned sideways, vacated the position for Xia Mingxiu, and didn't plan to leave.

Xia Mingxiu glanced at her sideways, raised her brows imperceptibly, and sat beside Yuan Yao without evasiveness.

Everyone greeted Xia Mingxiu one after another, but Yuan Yao ignored the answer, and directly reached out and took a bunch of meat skewers. As soon as he retracted his hand, the other hand reached out, and his slender fingers directly pinched the meat on Yuan Yao's hand. String of bamboo sticks.

Yuan Yao raised her eyebrows and looked at Xia Mingxiu, but Xia Mingxiu curled her lips politely, and after faintly saying "thank you" to Yuan Yao, he took the meat skewers in her hand to her own hand.

Yuan Yao gritted her teeth and stared at Xia Mingxiu, leisurely put the meat skewers into her mouth and took a graceful bite, then nodded and smiled slightly: "Well, it tastes good!"

On the other side, Yuan Yao, who was in charge of the barbecue, had very good ears. Hearing Xia Mingxiu's praise, he hurriedly raised the clip in his hand and shouted.

"Report to President Xia, I am responsible for baking!"

Xia Mingxiu smiled a lot of face, "Really, don't be an assistant, just go to the company restaurant as a barbecue chef!"

"Mr. Xia is spared!"

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly relaxed, and everyone was relieved of the temporary restraint just now, and gradually let go.

Of course, Yuan Yao is not included here.

She sat there alone, only responsible for eating.

When the skewers in her hand were snatched away by Xia Mingxiu again, Yuan Yao finally couldn't hold it back, and stood up with her teeth gritted, holding back the anger in her heart, smiling:

"I have almost eaten, you continue, I will go back to rest first!"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Yao glared at Xia Mingxiu fiercely, walked to the assistant who was baking, and patted her on the shoulder.

"Get me some back in a while!"

The assistant said in confusion:

"Sister Yuan, are you going back? Why don't you eat here? How nice is the atmosphere here?"

Yuan Yao curled her lips, shook her head, turned her head and glanced at the dignified man who was still sitting there, and said:

"Hey, they like to have a heavier taste and more chili!"

"But President Xia just said it was good?"

"Stupid you! Isn't he going to tell so many people that it's not delicious?"

The assistant frowned, watched the few people eating the skewers in ecstasy, and frowned in confusion.

"Have you heard?!" Yuan Yao suddenly patted the assistant on the shoulder.

The assistant nodded hurriedly, "Got it!"

Yuan Yao glanced at the sauce next to him, and said, "Cumin, pepper, put more!"

"Oh, got it!"

Yuan Yao's face looked better, "Remember, my taste is not heavy, what you just made was pretty good! After baking theirs, you can quickly send them back to me, you know?"

"Got it!"

Yuan Yao raised her eyebrows and walked back to the village by herself.

Back to the room on the second floor, lying on the bed, frowning and staring at the ceiling for a long time in a daze before closing his eyes unconsciously and falling asleep.

She didn't know how long she slept, and she didn't wake up until the assistant brought her barbecue back.

There were a lot of things back. Yuan Yao sat on the bed and ate with gusto, looking at the little assistant aggrieved.

Raised his eyebrows, "What's wrong with you?"

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