Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1672: Xia Mingxiu, don't die!

No wonder she just smelled the scent of flowers. It turned out that she was in a sea of ​​chrysanthemum flowers.

Yellow, white, red, purple, green, a whole piece.

Dazzling and beautiful.

But why is she here...

After thinking about it for a while, Yuan Yao's face suddenly changed, and the eyes that were still full of amazing just now were suddenly replaced by anxiety.

Xia Mingxiu...

Xia Mingxiu rolled down the hillside with him!

He had tightly guarded her back then, and he must have been hurt more seriously than her!

But what about him? !

She was struggling to get up from the ground, but only then did she feel pain not only in her back and elbows, but also all over her body, as if she was about to fall apart.

Yuan Yao didn't have time to cry out for pain. She gritted her teeth and got up from the ground, looking around anxiously.

"Xia Mingxiu..."

This chrysanthemum field was close to the root of the hillside, and she rolled into the flower field, so Xia Mingxiu let her go from the beginning when she was unconscious?

Thinking of this, Yuan Yao's heart was even more anxious. According to her own guess, she looked at a protruding flat ground on the hillside, and at a glance, she saw a black shadow lying there.

Yuan Yao hurriedly ran towards there, but to get there, he had to climb for a while. Regardless of his injuries, Yuan Yao crawled to Xia Mingxiu's side with both hands and feet.

Xia Mingxiu Junyi's face was marked with a lot of fine blood stains. No matter how high-end casual clothes were, the mountains of thorns could not be restrained. They were worn out too much, and blood even leaked out in some places.

She had never seen Xia Mingxiu so embarrassed, even in the last rainy night, she had never seen him so embarrassed.

He is lying quietly now, not moving.

"Xia Mingxiu! Xia Mingxiu, wake up..."

Yuan Yao tremblingly patted Xia Mingxiu's face, anxiously trying to wake him up.

However, Xia Mingxiu did not react at all.

Yuan Yao's eyes turned red in an instant, and big tears fell without warning.

She moved her position again, picked up Xia Mingxiu's head, and put it on her knees, looking at Xia Mingxiu's lifeless look, she was terrified and cried distressedly:

"Xia Mingxiu, wake up, don't die...uuu..."

"Don't die, I won't be stubborn with you anymore, I won't be stubborn with you anymore, will you wake up?! Xia Mingxiu, don't die...don't die... it's all my fault , I'm so stupid... Xia Mingxiu, I'm so stupid, so stupid, I admit, are you happy? You wake up, you can laugh at me, you can laugh at me, Xia Mingxiu, wake up, wake up good or not……"

Seeing that Xia Mingxiu didn't react at all, there was no trace of blood on her pale face, as if she really wouldn't wake up, making Yuan Yao's fear deeper and deeper, thinking that Xia Mingxiu would really be like this, she would never open again. Opening her eyes, Yuan Yao felt a sudden pain in her heart!

She doesn't want...

Don't die!

Yuan Yao put down Xia Mingxiu, unbuttoned his clothes on his chest, and wanted to give him emergency measures, but when he saw Xia Mingxiu's white and strong chest, Yuan Yao flinched.

Suddenly his hands dropped, and he slumped on the ground again.

"Wow" she started crying again, she couldn't.

She only knows that if this measure is done wrong, it will be counterproductive.

She can't take this risk!

She is so stupid, in case...

Weeping teary eyes looked at Xia Mingxiu's calm face with hazy and red eyes, and his eyes slowly settled on his lips...

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