Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1682: Is our son

But as soon as this thought came to mind, Xia Mingxiu leaned over and pressed her lips to hers...

Just a soft kiss, and then seeing Yuan Yao who was already brewing anger, Xia Mingxiu pressed Yuan Yao's forehead and kissed her nose with a deep and gentle voice.

"It's our son!"

Yuan Yao's anger fell instantly, replaced by the warmth and sweetness that suddenly surged in her heart.

"What...what's wrong with you today? Xia Mingxiu, you are very abnormal! Normally, you obviously see me not pleasing to your eyes, and you are mad at me when you speak. You are suddenly like this today..."

"Maybe... because the injury on my body is too painful and I don't have the energy to cheer myself up and quarrel with you..."

Xia Mingxiu didn't want to fall down in front of Yuan Yao. For some things, he felt that he should give Yuan Yao a shot at the right time, lest he suddenly couldn't help it and scared her.

Yuan Yao just remembered something, and quickly pushed Xia Mingxiu away, holding his **** arm and looking at it, spreading out the few leaves that had been held in his hand, and took out a clean white handkerchief from his pocket. I found a stone and smashed the leaves wrapped in a handkerchief against the trunk.

While spreading Xia Mingxiu's injured arm, he said:

"It's great to find it. This is called Scorpion Grass, also called Babao Sedum. It has a good hemostatic effect, and also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects."

Xia Mingxiu looked at Yuan Yao, his brows frowned because of pain loosened slightly.

"how do you know?"

Yuan Yao curled her lips and said:

"Fortunately, I know this kind of herbal medicine. When I was a child, I was always bullied. Once I was playing in the alley and was taken home by an old grandmother. It was a lonely old man. I didn't listen. She said that her sons and daughters did not have a very good life, and did not have the spare money to buy me medicine. She took this thing to stop my bleeding. She has planted a lot of scorpion grass in her yard, since I know that kind of grass With this effect, every time I get injured, I will run to her. I will pester her to give me medicine. But I also help her with housework!"

Yuan Yao said that the clouds were light and windy, but Xia Mingxiu could see the deep nostalgia in Yuan Yao's tone.

Presumably, the lonely old man was the first person in the world to warm Yuan Yao.

"I was injured, and I still want to hide in the alley? Are you really crying secretly?"

Yuan Yao's face flushed, and she looked up at Xia Mingxiu, "What's the matter, can't it?!"

Xia Mingxiu smiled and nodded, "Yes! But why are you lying?"

Yuan Yao wanted to speak, but couldn't say a word.

In the end, he could only puff his cheeks in anger, and shouted, "You care about me!"

Xia Mingxiu smiled lowly, the laughter gradually spreading further and further in this quiet and huge forest...

"Don't let me take care of you? Okay, then I'm leaving now!"

When Yuan Yao wrapped Xia Mingxiu's arm with her handkerchief and sighed, Xia Mingxiu suddenly said this.

Smoke Yuan Yaoqi's head!

"Xia Mingxiu, you are ungrateful!!"

"Didn't you let me ignore you?"

"You..." Yuan Yao pointed at Xia Mingxiu angrily, knowing that he was deliberately embarrassing her, shook her hand severely, and said, "Yes! You really can't control me!"

"Do you care if I get lost, do you care if I starve to death, do you care if I fall into a **** pit again, do you care if I run into a big, vicious black bear? Will I... meet... a wolf..."

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