Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1689: Your analgesics

Yuan Yao was startled, and hurriedly sat up from the bed.

"Sorry, sorry! Are you okay?"

Xia Mingxiu shook his head.

Yuan Yao pointed directly to his shirt and said, "Take off your shirt! Let it show the wind, it will help the wound scab."

Xia Mingxiu watched her for a long time, sat up, Yuan Yao took into account the injury on Xia Mingxiu's arm, and directly unbuttoned Xia Mingxiu's shirt.

Xia Mingxiu looked down at her, her dark eyes gradually darkening.

I didn't notice it from a distance, unbuttoned all the buttons, and raised his head slightly, Xia Mingxiu's strong chest instantly fell into her eyes.

Her heart tightened, and the hand holding Xia Mingxiu's shirt also clenched involuntarily. Later, she realized that Xia Mingxiu's hand had been placed on her waist for some time.

She looked up a little at a loss, Xia Mingxiu looked down at her with low and blurred eyes, staring at her fiercely.

Yuan Yao hurriedly lowered her head and put her hand on Xia Mingxiu's chest, trying to push him away, but Xia Mingxiu hugged her hard and circled her into her arms.


Yuan Yao looked up at him, but found that Xia Mingxiu's eyes were getting hotter.

"You are stupid, you are not fake at all, you slept with me in a bed, warned me, but came over to take off my clothes..."

Xia Mingxiu's voice was particularly low and hoarse, and in the room with only two people, he looked very angry and ambiguous.

"I...I'm afraid you hurt!"

"worry about me?"

"..." Yuan Yao felt that she had dug a hole for herself, flushed her face, and couldn't say a word.

"Worrying about me is worrying about me! Is it so difficult to admit?"

Yuan Yao frowned slightly when she looked at him. In fact, she had a little opinion about Xia Mingxiu's words.

He is not a fool, and since he has asked so, it means that he has already understood clearly.

What's the point of asking her to say something that he already understood?

"Let me see your wound!" Yuan Yao did not answer his question, trying to break free from his arms.

"The wound is fine!"

"Do you have eyes behind your back?"

Xia Mingxiu looked at Yuan Yao, was silent for two seconds, and said, "In fact, there is only a little pain!"

"Then let me see!"

"Don't look!"

"Why are you so stubborn!" Yuan Yao was mad, raised her hand to hit his chest, but finally stopped.

Xia Mingxiu smiled low, reached out and held her hand in his hand, and put it on his heart.

Yuan Yao drew her hand back vigorously, but Xia Mingxiu refused to let him go. Instead, she approached Yuan Yao, lowered her head against her forehead, and said softly:

"In fact, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. The most effective way to relieve pain is to give him an analgesic."

Yuan Yao was also anxious, "But where can I find analgesics now?"

"Huh? Do you want me to die?" Xia Mingxiu used his forehead slightly, raising Yuan Yao's head.

Yuan Yao was a little confused, "What are you talking about?! If I have an analgesic, can I not give it to you? You are..."

"Will you give it to me?" Xia Mingxiu asked suddenly.

"Aren't you nonsense? I'm going to be **** off by you..."

"Of course you have!"


Yuan Yao's irritable voice was suddenly overwhelmed, and Xia Mingxiu's forehead was relaxed, and his lips pressed up.


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