Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 169: Old face blushes

"Mr. Mu doesn't have to say too much. The current Chang's is not as good as in the past. You can make a price! As long as we don't make us lose too much, we are willing to accept anything!"

Mu Chuqing smiled and glanced at Xu Junyu, Xu Junyu's eyes flashed a bright light.

"The ‘mirage’ is just an initial investment of several billion, right? How can Chang now spend several billion to make up for the loss? What do you want Chang’s shares for?"


Mu Chuqing pursed her mouth while holding back a smile, and pinched Xu Junyu's thigh in secret.

"Everyone present is a sensible person. I would rather lose a little bit of Chang's shares than to talk about the grievances of the past. Everyone knows that I don't have to hide it."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Several shareholders on the opposite side responded again and again.

"It's just that, now that Chang's is about to go bankrupt, it really doesn't make sense for me to take this share!"


This is indeed a serious truth, and the faces of several shareholders are desperate.

"But, since several people chased me to the United States not far away, I think I still need to give everyone a thin face!"

Everyone's eyes lit up again.

"I can only pay one-sixth of the original price now!"



"I don't want to deal with you too much. This is already the highest price I have paid. If you agree to change the price in the contract, I will sign all of you, so that you will not lose too much. It’s miserable, otherwise, you won’t have any money. You can weigh it yourself."



At this time, the dishes came up one after another, and Mu Chuqing picked up the knife and fork and began to eat like no one else.

Several big men looked at each other, and finally got up and left the table.

"What are you planning?"

Xu Jun and looked at her sideways, looking curious.

Mu Chuqing put down his knife and fork and sighed heavily.

"I hope they don't delay it too long!"

Xu Jun raised his eyebrows, "Why? What are the next arrangements?!"

"When you come to Las Vegas, how can you not go to the casino to play!"

Xu Jun and his eyes flashed with excitement, "I didn't expect you to be okay with this!"


Mu Chuqing smiled, and started eating again.

Xu Junyu grinned, with a look of disgust, stretched out the slender fingers to push the ham she held by her mouth into Mu Chuqing's bulging mouth.

"Can you be more restrained, you have been eating all the way today, and you can still eat this way!"

Mu Chuqing slapped his hand away, speeding up and chewed twice.

"I can eat, it's not the first day you know, what's wrong with being able to eat, being able to eat is blessing!"

The nostrils of Xu Jun and Dislike were enlarged, and they silently cut the beef on their plate and placed them in front of Mu Chuqing.


The tone seemed to be talking to his daughter.

Mu Chuqing glared at him, but saw Xu Junyu and Zheng squinting his chin, his eyes squinted, and the seductive hook in the corner of his eyes became more attractive.

This evildoer!

Dead fox!

Mu Chuqing hardly chewed what was in her mouth, holding a fork at Xu Jun and the enchanting face.

"If you seduce people like this again, be careful that I puncture your face!"

Xu Junyu smiled even more seductively. He reached out and took the small hand holding the fork into his hand, slowly approached Mu Chuqing, poked Mu Chuqing's bulging cheek with his other hand, and slowly said:

"So, are you going to be seduced by me?"

His voice was neither light nor heavy, and it happened to be stuck in an extremely ambiguous zone. The warm breath sprayed on Mu Chuqing's face, making Mu Chuqing's face that had been white for 26 years once again unusually red. .

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