Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1691: my husband!

In the early morning, the morning mist in the valley had not completely dissipated. The calls of unknown birds reverberated in the valley. The fresh air and the fragrance of natural green plants floated in the room, making it extremely comfortable.

Yuan Yao slowly opened her eyes, took a deep breath, stretched out her hands for a comfortable relief, and quietly listened to the sweet bird calls outside the house for a while.

After that, she suddenly heard something, turned her head and looked at the position behind her, and then at the position where she was just now. After seeing her alone on the bed, she suddenly sat up from the bed.

After a while, he jumped out of the bed.

Put on your shoes and hurried to the yard.

The air in the early morning was so good, but Yuan Yao had the least thought to appreciate it, and hurriedly ran to the old lady who was burning, and asked anxiously:

"Grandma, did you see where that person went?"

The old lady put a fire into the stove, stood up, and said lightly:

"that person?"

Yuan Yao hurriedly said, "That's the one who is with me!"

The old lady lifted the lid of the pot, while stirring the rice porridge in the pot, she asked, "What is that person, are you not a couple?"

"Um..." Yuan Yao was ashamed.

"Aren't you a husband and wife? Then you last night..."

Yuan Yao's eyes widened instantly, thinking about what happened last night, and seeing the old lady rarely talk to her so much. Knowing that the old man's thinking is very conservative, he waved his hand quickly:

"No, no, we are a husband and wife! He is my husband. I was embarrassed to tell you just now..."

The old lady put the lid back on the pot and went aside to cut the pickles.

There was a cold snort, "I slept all the time, what's the embarrassment!?"

Yuan Yao gnashed her teeth behind the old lady!


How come the people she met are more venomous!

Does she have the physique of a poisonous tongue?

Staring angrily at the back of the old lady, he asked again a little aggrieved:

"Then do you know, where did my husband go?"

The old lady turned around to look at her, opened her mouth, looked behind her, raised her eyebrows, and turned around again.


This stubborn old lady!

Yuan Yao's eyes widened, and she turned around to look for her by herself. When she turned around, she saw Xia Mingxiu standing behind her smiling and looking at her.

Yuan Yao choked immediately, thinking of the old lady's appearance just now, and knowing what she said just now, it is very likely that all fell into Xia Mingxiu's ears.

"You... where did you just go?"

Xia Mingxiu smiled and pointed to the bucket by his feet, "Go to fetch water!"

Yuan Yao looked at the bucket full of water, curled her lips, and made an aggrieved "Oh". She stood on the side with her head down, like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law!

Xia Mingxiu curled her lips and walked two steps closer to her.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

Yuan Yao twitched the corners of her lips, glanced up at him, looked at his smiling black eyes, and said quietly, "It's okay!"

Xia Mingxiu pursed his lips and smiled, and stretched out his hand to pull Yuan Yao into his arms.

Yuan Yao was hugged by him, but he didn't know why.

"What are you doing?!"

"Hold my wife!"

"Who is your wife?!"

Yuan Yao struggled twice and saw the old lady frowning at her from the corner of her eyes.

She quickly hooked Xia Mingxiu's neck and said with a smile: "Where are you going in the future, can you tell me first, or I will be scared by myself!"

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