Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1697: 1700 Let me kiss you


"I just thought, there is no reason...."

Yuan Yao bit her lip and said, "We shouldn't..."

Xia Mingxiu suddenly pressed her hard chest against Yuan Yao's fullness, and said:

"No, no! You are my son's mother. It's not wrong for me to kiss you." He said, reaching out his hand to cover Yuan Yao's lips, touching it gently, and looking up at Yuan Yao again with a hot tone. Full of charm.

"Yuan Yao, let me kiss you."

Yuan Yao still blushed, turning her head awkwardly and silently.

Xia Mingxiu's ring finger hooked her chin, making her face herself again.

"Not willing?"

"..." Yuan Yao remained indifferent.

Xia Mingxiu narrowed his brows and moved away slightly.

"okay, I get it!"

There was a deep disappointment in his tone, but he was covered up rationally.

But when he let go of Yuan Yao's intention to prop up his body, he found that Yuan Yao's shirt was firmly gripped by his waist.

A flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. When she looked at Yuan Yao, she turned her head blushing.

As wise as Xia Mingxiu, under Yuan Yao's appearance, if he still doesn't understand the meaning, then he is really stupid.

She stretched out her hand and gently pinched Yuan Yao's chin, fumbled for two seconds with her fingertips, and slowly spoke in a low voice:

"Yuan Yao, look at me."

Yuan Yao was stunned, turned her head slowly, and looked at Xia Mingxiu, her bright black eyes twinkling, she did not dare to focus on Xia Mingxiu's face.

Seeing Yuan Yao's embarrassment, Xia Mingxiu curled her lips slightly and pressed against her again.

Yuan Yao closed her eyes nervously, and when Xia Mingxiu's slightly cool lips covered her, Yuan Yao's body trembled slightly.

Xia Mingxiu gently rubbed her lips gently, as if he were treating an extremely fragile treasure, with meager strength and softness, like feathers.

Yuan Yao's heart softened, and the hand holding Xia Mingxiu's waist shirt tightened a bit.

From the beginning, he didn't refuse, didn't cater to it, and finally, driven by Xia Mingxiu's gradually deepening kiss, he began to respond unconsciously.

Perceiving Yuan Yao's response, Xia Mingxiu was slightly surprised. He gradually lightened the strength of the kiss, and lightly tapped Yuan Yao's lips.

After leaving slightly, Yuan Yao’s lips chased him up, and then he got close, kissed deeply, and then left. Yuan Yao chased him up again, proactively searching for his lips, and holding the clothes around his waist. Gradually he hugged him tightly.

Xia Mingxiu chuckled her lips slightly and smiled, and finally kissed heavily, thrusting the tip of her tongue in, entangled domineeringly, the breath of the two people was filled with the breath of each other, interlacing each other, the two people kissed each other warmly, and the kiss reverberated in each other's In the lips and ears, the wheezing became heavier.

The bodies of the two people are getting closer and closer together, and they use their bodies to experience each other's strong heartbeat. She beats, he intermittently, she intermittently, he beats! Only 0.5 seconds of every beating, but not half a second is left.

Yuan Yao’s body became warmer and softer, but Xia Mingxiu had already put his hand into Yuan Yao’s shirt again at this moment, and the warm palms slid on Yuan Yao’s waist and finally wrapped her long arms around her slender waist. She stayed on her flat belly again, rubbing back and forth.

Itchy, Yuan Yao struggled uncomfortably, but Xia Mingxiu let her lips go, slid over her ears, holding her earlobes, and teasing her extremely hot tongue wrapped in Yuan Yao's ear beads.

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