Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1699: Just don't love him

The grievances in Yuan Yao's heart suddenly broke out, and she just raised her head, but tears fell swiftly.

"Yes! I don't love him! But what can I do?! I said, I owe him!!! It was he who gave me rebirth, and it was him who saved me and Wen Qian's life twice! Without him, where would I be? There are me and Wen Qian now?! I want to repay him, but he doesn’t need anything! Asking for money, in Britain, China, and even more countries, where is his family business?! Asking for power, don’t say I give it Since he is the Duke of England, he is enough to cover the sky with one hand, right? He wants fame and profit, is he missing? Can I afford it again?!"

"You said, what can I give him? He doesn't need anything, and he doesn't want me! But I can't pretend to be blind! If I don't say it, he will be by my side for another five years What do you want me to do? Xia Mingxiu, you said, how should I respond to him so as to live up to his affection for me?!"

"Just don't love him!"

Xia Mingxiu quietly listened to Yuan Yao's words, and after Yuan Yao's hysterical vent, he said this lightly.

Yuan Yao raised her teary eyes and stared at Xia Mingxiu with a hopeless expression on your face.

Xia Mingxiu sighed deeply, wiped the tears from her face, gently hugged her into her arms.

Yuan Yao was in the collapse, facing Xia Mingxiu's inexplicable closeness at this moment, naturally he did not follow his practice.

"You let me go! You don't know anything! You selfish ghost!"

Yuan Yao kept struggling in his arms, unable to get away, so she raised her fist for fear of hitting Xia Mingxiu on the shoulder.

Xia Mingxiu let Yuan Yao slap and put his hands on her head, trying to calm her down.

"You let me go!"

Yuan Yao was a little tired from struggling, and the intensity was getting smaller and smaller, and finally softened in Xia Mingxiu's arms, crying pitifully.

"You don't know how guilty I am now! I obviously promised him, but in the end I couldn't give him anything. I don't love him, he is such a good person, why can't I fall in love with him? I thought I was Yes, as long as I open my heart for her, that's all, so I gave him hope...but..."

The more Yuan Yao said, the more pain in her heart!

What did she do? !

What did she do to Mu Yan!

She can't give him anything!

In five years, the only thing he wanted, she still couldn't give him in the end!

Yuan Yao's words did not go on, Xia Mingxiu held her arm a little harder.

He took Yuan Yao's words to himself, "But... you still don't love him! Even the best and best man in the world, you still don't love him. Because you have fallen in love with others... …"

Yuan Yao was stunned for a moment, then raised her head to look at Xia Mingxiu, a pair of bright eyes filled with complexity and anger.

After a long while, she laughed mockingly, and cried:

"Yeah, that's right! I can't fall in love with him anyway, I love others. That person treats me terribly, what he says domineeringly, sometimes rascal is rogue, and his temperament is even worse. Oops, he embarrassed me everywhere, and went against me in everything. When meeting me, he would find opportunities to satirize how stupid I was. He would quarrel with me whenever he had the opportunity, and he would not let me at all. Kill the child between us... this kind of man..."

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