Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1715: Let's go back to the house

The old lady is a person who loves cleanliness. In fact, they found out when they first arrived here.

There are a total of four rooms, each of which is very clean. The quilt on the bed exudes a fragrant smell, and the quilt is neatly folded. The air and smell in the room are also very good, not like an old man living alone. room.

"Grandma, it's already very clean!" Yuan Yao finally couldn't help but speak when she saw that she was about to scoop again for the third time.

"Get used to it! Pass the time."

"..." Yuan Yao was silent, her previous guess was not wrong at all.

An old man, the four houses are clean and spotless, if it weren't for being too lonely...

Yuan Yao stepped aside, staring blankly at the old man who once again scooped water in the basin, and continued to brush it a third time.

"You hurry up and rest..."

"I don't want it!" Yuan Yao said suddenly. The old lady looked up at her, her eyes were not cold or hot, but she didn't speak any more.

Yuan Yao pursed her lips and continued to stand aside, looking at the busy old man, and asked:

"Grandma, how many years have you lived here?"

"Thirty-six years!"

"So long? Why did you come here in the first place?"

"I will come if I want."

The old lady's voice was cold and indifferent, and she couldn't hear any emotions, and the movements in her hands did not stop.

Yuan Yao looked at the old lady for a long time before nodding silently.

This answer is too perfunctory.

She wanted to say something, but after thinking about it for a while, she never said a word.

Yuan Yao is sometimes dull in some aspects and sensitive in some aspects.

She still has a lot of questions to ask the old man, but she doesn't know how to talk about everything now.

I don't know how to speak!

Because for the elderly at this age, everything that was said has become what it used to be.

No matter what she has experienced, the happy and the sad ones are all heartbreaking.

Because everything has become a past that cannot be grasped, and will never appear in her current life and future.

Yuan Yao suddenly became sad, extremely sad.

For grandma, maybe for myself.

The hand hanging on one side was held by someone, her warm and soft palm tightly wrapped her slightly circled fist, tightening a little bit with force.

Yuan Yao looked up at Xia Mingxiu, bit her lip tightly with a sad expression on her face.

Why Yuan Yao is a good actor? That’s because her expression is always the most attractive.

She was bright when she was happy, and she was sad, as if everything could be darkened.

Why everyone likes a star with good looks? That's because they are beautiful whether they are sad, sad, happy, excited, crying, or laughing.

Only the beauty that people believe is the most touching.

So Xia Mingxiu couldn't resist any expression of Yuan Yao.

Therefore, Yuan Yao is obviously the simplest woman, but Xia Mingxiu has no choice but to use her lips.

Her joy, anger, sorrow, and joy can always draw people's hearts and their hearts in the first time.

Now her sad look is purely distressing.

"Let's go back to the house first!"

Yuan Yao looked down at the old man who had already washed the dishes, and was walking into the room, before nodding slowly, Xia Mingxiu pulled into the room.


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