Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1724: Waterfall under the moonlight (6)

Xia Mingxiu's gloomy smile made Yuan Yao shiver involuntarily.

Intuition Xia Mingxiu is terrible!

"What do you want to say?"

Yuan Yao swallowed, God knows how nervous she is.

Although she had never seen Xia Mingxiu's methods, she couldn't prove that he didn't!

Xia Mingxiu raised his eyebrows, "This is not within your scope, stay by my side...not obediently, except for any contact with other men, I can give you any freedom and respect your decision! Ok?"

Yuan Yao's heart moved, astonishment flashed in her eyes.

Give her any freedom?

Respect her decision?

Is this the man who once locked her up and prevented her from going out, hurting her and bullying her?

It's hard to imagine.

"Are you serious?"

She still couldn't believe it.

"Or, you don't need these in the first place?"

"Nonsense! If I'm not with you, I won't even be restrained in the normal etiquette communication with other people!"

"Die this heart!"

Xia Mingxiu suddenly approached Yuan Yao, spraying her warm breath on her face, and the hand behind Yuan Yao began to gently pinch Yuan Yao's slender waist.

He even held her tightly.

Yuan Yao flushed, lowered her head and whispered shyly, "What are you doing?"

"I want to kiss you……"

Yuan Yao looked up at him and found that her eyes were tightly closed by those hot eyes.

She wiggled her eyes from side to side nervously, her breathing was a little messy, and she was a little confused.

Xia Mingxiu looked at her, curled her lips slightly, bent down, and gently pressed her soft lips, Yuan Yao's shoulders shook slightly.

Xia Mingxiu's soft kiss fell on the corner of her lips, and said in a low voice:

"Why are your lips so soft?"

"Are your lips made of iron?"

Xia Mingxiu laughed lowly, "You really have no interest at all!"

"Yes, then you go find interesting ones, I believe they will definitely satisfy you."

"As long as you are enough!"

"...The greasy mouth is slippery."

"Greasy mouth and tongue?" Xia Mingxiu raised her eyebrows, pressed her forehead, and rubbed Yuan Yao's lips with her lips as she spoke.

In this ambiguous situation, Xia Mingxiu’s words seem to be meaningful.

As for what it was, Yuan Yao could understand it instantly.

"Why are you so bad?"

Yuan Yao bit her lip, propped his chest, and gave Xia Mingxiu a shy look.

"It's not completely broken yet!"

Yuan Yao blinked, and Xia Mingxiu's lips fell again.

Holding Yuan Yao’s waist tightly with one hand in the water, gently kneading,

Yuan Yao put her hands on Xia Mingxiu's shoulders, raising her head to meet Xia Mingxiu's kiss.

Xia Mingxiu grabbed Yuan Yao from his hand and placed it gently on the rock behind him. After that, the whole person pressed on and leaned over again, holding Yuan Yao's pink and soft lips.

Yuan Yao's hands clung to Xia Mingxiu's shoulders tightly, and she raised her chin to cater to Xia Mingxiu's kiss, letting Xia Mingxiu hook her tongue violently, and there was a gentle and gentle stream of water flowing behind her on the rock, but her whole body But because of this kiss, he became hot all over.

The kiss between the two people became more and more intense. From the beginning, they almost choked to gasp, and the breathing between the noses was particularly heavy.

Yuan Yao closed her blurred eyes slightly, her arms instinctively held Xia Mingxiu's neck tightly, and even under Xia Mingxiu's guidance, she took the initiative to pester Xia Mingxiu...

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