Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1726: moonlight

She had never seen such a beautiful moon in Kyoto, nor had she seen the British sky.

She has never seen it before, this is the first time.

Together with Xia Mingxiu, and only with him, can we see such a beautiful scenery...

Suddenly, she gasped for a moment again, and looked down, Xia Mingxiu had already changed positions, slapped her as much as possible on the other side of her - dialed her.

She bit her lip tightly, trying not to make herself more embarrassed.

Aware of her forbearance, Xia Mingxiu lifted up and kissed her lips.

But the hand leaned to her little belly again, and flexibly put his fingers into her most private and soft place, feeling her moved by him.

Yuan Yao wanted to bite her lip subconsciously, but Xia Mingxiu took the lead, bowed her head and wrapped her lips, preventing her from biting her lips.

After the kiss, Xia Mingxiu coaxed in a low voice with an extremely hoarse voice:

"Speak out if you can't stand it. I like to hear your voice, especially at this time..."

As he said, he lowered his head and buried her in a mess again, and his hands under his abdomen broke through the cloth barrier and made more intimate contact.


Yuan Yao cried out impatiently, and buckled Xia Mingxiu's neck harder, almost piercing Xia Mingxiu's skin, and then slid her hands into Xia Mingxiu's shirt that was still hanging on her body, and dropped one on Xia Mingxiu's back. A fingerprint, his arms controlled by the most uncontrollable nerve in the body, tightly hugging him.

The gasping sound clings to Xia Mingxiu's ears, one after another sexy.

Feeling Yuan Yao's enthusiasm, in her trembling and groaning, countless kisses fell all the way down her flat belly, and finally gathered in the center.

Kiss, linger.

Yuan Yao only felt that a burst of numb electric current flowed from the limbs and corpses toward there quickly, and her body, which was burning with a prairie fire, could not help but tremble more and more.

She leaned on the rock, panting impatiently, with a heavy nasal voice, and a sweet moan in her voice.

Xia Mingxiu's kisses and fingers seemed to be magical, and the feeling they gave her made her have no ability to parry.

She couldn't bear to close her legs, but Xia Mingxiu's hands were messing up under her belly, so she could only put her knees together and rub them together.

Xia Mingxiu was slightly suffocated by her swaying breath, and she stood up and saw Yuan Yao's slightly closed eyes, her blurred face was full of love.

The clothes are lying on the rock in a mess, the curvy body is looming in the messy clothes, and the fat-skinned skin is dyed a peach red at this moment, and the tower in front of you can imagine her elasticity and flexibility. How wonderful it is to feel the bottom.

In the moonlight, Yingrun is beautiful, **** and enchanting.

Xia Mingxiu's deep eyes were already too deep, and somewhere in his body was already like a burning iron, which involved his instincts all the time.

He is very novel, why, humans have such an unspeakable feeling.

It makes people addicted, and it is easier for people to lose their minds and be easily led by this feeling!

This feeling of being controlled is the worst for someone who prides himself on self-control and does not want to be led in anything!

Since he knew about this five years ago, he thought it was just a greed for a while, and didn't think much about it.

But later, when he realized that only Yuan Yao could give him this feeling, he was unwilling and angry.

For the first time in his life, he was led away by someone. He was still a woman, with only one woman.

This made him unacceptable.

But when everything found a reason, it was just not long ago...

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