Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1730: What should we do now?

"Just do bad things, regardless of the consequences! How can we go back like this? Grandma will definitely see it, and she will scold us!"

Xia Mingxiu lowered his head and kissed Yuan Yao's hair, wringing out her dripping hair little by little.

"What should I do?"

Yuan Yao nested in Xia Mingxiu's arms and urged Xia Mingxiu weakly.

"Then wait a little longer, we will go back secretly when grandma sleeps."

Yuan Yao suddenly laughed lowly, her shoulders shrugging lightly.

Xia Mingxiu glanced at her, "What are you laughing at?"

Yuan Yao let out a long lazy "En~", "So you are also very afraid of grandma? I thought you were not afraid of it?"

"There may be nothing to be afraid of before, but it may not work now!"


Xia Mingxiu didn't speak, but bent and hugged Yuan Yao horizontally, and walked to the forest on the shore.

Put her next to a tree, and then took out a beautiful silver lighter from her trouser bag, opened the lid and tried it, there was still a flame.

Xia Mingxiu breathed a sigh of relief, raised her head and said to Yuan Yao: "You will wait here for a while now, I will pick some firewood and come back!"

"No! I... don't want to be here alone!"

Xia Mingxiu looked at her and twisted her clothes again.

"I won't go too far, you take off your clothes here and twist it, I'll be back soon!"

Yuan Yao tightly grabbed Xia Mingxiu's clothes, bit her lip pitifully, and shook her head.

Xia Mingxiu looked at her helplessly, and finally had to compromise.

Walked to the river and took her shoes, bent over to help her put them on.

Yuan Yao looked down at Xia Mingxiu, her lips twitched slightly, and bursts of sweetness slipped through her heart.

She never thought that the once domineering and bad-tempered Xia Mingxiu would easily compromise with her one day, or even like now, squatting at her feet to help her put on shoes.

Standing up, Xia Mingxiu paused slightly when he saw the smile on Yuan Yao's face.

If he had known that Yuan Yao was so easy to be satisfied, why waste such time? He should have taken her down five years ago.

"Let's go!"


The two didn't go far, they found a stack of firewood nearby, and they were all dry, neatly placed.

"This must have been made by grandma. Because I won't be in a hurry, I put it here. When there is no firewood at home, she will come back and carry it. There must be a lot of such piles in this valley, because my grandma has lived here so much. For a long time, there must be many deeds!"

Yuan Yao said triumphantly, her tone and expression simply meant to say, look at how smart I am, I can guess it!

Xia Mingxiu shook his head silently and handed the flashlight in his hand to Yuan Yao.

"You take it, I hold the firewood!"

Yuan Yao happily took it, and then lighted Xia Mingxiu, watching Xia Mingxiu holding a large pile of firewood and preparing to leave.

Yuan Yao's eyes turned cleverly, and said triumphantly:

"You are really stupid! Anyway, there is a fire on your body, so let's light the fire here, so we don't need to hold firewood!"

Xia Mingxiu raised her eyebrows, looked at Yuan Yao's successful smile, didn't plan to pay attention to her, and turned around holding Chai and walked a few steps.


Yuan Yao saw Xia Mingxiu's attitude and was a little unhappy, "Do you think I thought of a good idea before you? You don't want to admit that I'm smarter than you, so you just work against me, right?!"

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