Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1732: You Wenqian

There was a burst of sweetness in Yuan Yao's heart, she held Xia Mingxiu's arm in front of her, and shook her head gently.

"Sometimes I feel so tired in my life! Before me, I was full of food, and the whole family was not worried. There was no one to spur me, no one to comfort me, and no one to give me a warm home after being exhausted. Life is really tired."

Yuan Yao sighed deeply and continued:

"Later, I got Wen Qian! Although there were a few moments, I would be half-dead by Wen Qian, and then suddenly feel very tired. But that was only a momentary thing. If there was no Wen Qian, I really don't know How should I live in the future. Probably there is a common problem in people's hearts. I don't know satisfaction or cherish. I hope to have a complete home, with people I love, people who love me, and live together. So No matter where it is, it’s okay. As long as there is Wenqian, there are there, no matter what..."

Xia Mingxiu's heart jumped suddenly, and he pulled Yuan Yao from his arms. His dark and deep eyes were filled with beating fire, and he looked at her scorchingly.

He did not speak, just stared at her closely.

Yuan Yao blushed and raised her head shyly, not daring to look at Xia Mingxiu's eyes.

"Don't look at me like this, it's embarrassing..."

Yuan Yao was stared uncomfortably by Xia Mingxiu, she lowered her head and pressed her forehead against Xia Mingxiu's chest.

That shy look caused Xia Mingxiu's chuckle of pleasure.

"What are you laughing at, don't laugh..."

"……it is good!"

The smile in his voice could not be concealed.

Yuan Yao hammered twice in his chest, "You still laugh!"

Xia Mingxiu pursed his lips and suddenly turned over, pressing Yuan Yao under him.

Yuan Yao exclaimed, clutching his arm, and asked nervously, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to kiss you……"

Yuan Yao blinked, and Xia Mingxiu's kiss fell again. Yuan Yao put her arms around Xia Mingxiu's neck and raised her head to meet Xia Mingxiu's kiss.

A very long and very long kiss. When Xia Mingxiu let go of Yuan Yao, Yuan Yao's delicate cheeks were flushed, her eyes blurred, and her red lips were ravaged, making her even more charming.

She gasped hurriedly, "I feel like giving the kiss of a lifetime to today..."

Xia Mingxiu curled her lips, slid her hand on her lower abdomen, and looked at her with a smile, "It's still early in a lifetime, it's just a little bit of interest in the five years you left!"

After finishing speaking, he pecked Yuan Yao's lips, lowered his head, and unbuttoned Yuan Yao's pants.

"do not……"

Yuan Yao was taken aback, and hurriedly stretched out her hand to pull, but Xia Mingxiu was one step ahead.

The action quickly took off her pants completely.

"Xia more, I was tired just now...can't stand it..."

"Can't stand it just a few times?"

There was a smirk at the corner of Xia Mingxiu's mouth, and his palm was still squeezed twice on Yuan Yao's waist as a prank.

"Um... don't do this..."

Xia Mingxiu smiled slightly and lifted Yuan Yao from the ground.

She got up and put her pants on the branch beside the fire.

Yuan Yao opened her mouth, her face was embarrassed and shy.

This time I was ashamed.

Xia Mingxiu turned around, Yuan Yao looked at him embarrassedly, "You...yours are also wet..."

Xia Mingxiu walked to her, sat down, and put her in his arms again.


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