Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1740: Sister-in-law bothered

Ye Susu pursed her lips and smiled secretly, "You are bigger than him!"

"That's different! Can he compare to me?"

"Why can't it be compared?"

"What does it compare to?"

"..." As smart as Ye Susu, he immediately reflected the meaning of Pei An's words.

"You really..." Ye Susu didn't know what to say.

There are some limited adjectives in his head but none of them can be put on Xia Mingxiu.

In recent years, Pei Anzhi has teased her privately more and more times, and has become particularly addicted recently.

Every time she was blocked by him, she couldn't say a word. It is estimated that he was so unscrupulous because she was fancy that she would not scold him.

Sure enough, Pei Anzhi saw Ye Susu's speech, and his handsome face had a deeper smile.

The two of them walked all the way to the place where the helicopter stayed. Pei Anzhi only admired Ye Susu’s aggrieved look. When he looked up, he found that Xia Ming frowned and looked unhappy, but his face was hanging a few more Divided the yin and yang with weird smiles, looking at them strangely anyway.

Pei Anzhi suppressed the smile on his face, raised one eyebrow towards Xia Mingxiu, lowered his head and pulled Ye Susu onto the plane.

Xia Mingxiu carefully buckled Yuan Yao's anti-noise earplugs after getting on the plane, and now she is sleeping peacefully inside.

"Why are you here?"

Several people were sitting in the front cabin, and Xia Mingxiu asked with frowning eyebrows.

"Knowing that something happened to you here, she is very anxious and has to follow. Wen Qian is at home now, with Yunze."

Xia Mingxiu twitched the corners of her lips and squinted at Pei Anzhi and Ye Susu, "Why is Wen Qian with you?"

"..." Ye Susu's face slipped darkly with embarrassment.

Xia Mingxiu stared at Pei Anzhi with smiley eyes, and said:

"Wen Qian has only seen you once, and is very hostile to you, shouldn't he approach you?"

Pei Anzhi just smiled faintly, "Why is he hostile to me?"

Xia Mingxiu's eyes sank.

How did he know that it was his son. Although he didn't know the reason, he still knew something about it.

The reaction was so obvious, how could he not see it.

He blinked, put his gaze on Ye Susu's body, and smiled politely:

"I think, probably most of the reason is because the sister-in-law is gentle and beautiful, and caught the kid's eyes..."

The same smile was not a smile, and the voice was polite, but Ye Susu's ears made me feel embarrassed!

In the past five years, how Xia Mingxiu tried to get to Yuan Yao, several times, came to test her whenever she had a chance, and asked Yuan Yao where she was going, she didn't tell him.

A person as smart as Xia Mingxiu must have guessed more or less.

I didn't pick it up before, and didn't think there was anything.

Now, it's really embarrassing.

"I don't worry about Wen Qian being alone in the villa, and Yuanze happens to be at home, and the two of them just can have fun together!"

Obviously seeing that Pei Anzhi's face on the other side became more and more ugly, Xia Mingxiu also wittily did not go on.

"That's right, sister-in-law bothered!"

Xia Mingxiu also didn't say that he sent someone to guard the villa before he left. If it weren't for the ghost and spirit, the people he arranged would not easily let people in or leave.

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