Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1746: The day when you cry

"What's even more confusing is that President Xia and Yuan Yao both had an accident. President Bai didn't want to find a way to save people, but was busy solving your problem first! Moreover, he was still looking for an excuse not to announce this matter... …"

Seeing Ensisi finally couldn't help turning around and looking at her, Zhuangmei further confirmed her inner guess.

"Ensisi, you have to talk about your conscience. Sometimes, even if you do something against your conscience for some benefit, who doesn't violate it? We can understand each other by appropriate unscrupulous means, but don't go too far! Get what you want and kill you, don’t you be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door at night?”

Ensisi closed her eyebrows tightly, "Why? You are inferior to me in some ways, so you want to pour dirty water on me indiscriminately? Makeup, don't be like that crazy dog , I bite people in a hurry! What evidence do you have that I did it? And, we don’t know what is going on with Xia Zonghe and Yuanying Empress now. To bring out human life? Zhuangfen, are you cursing who will die? What?"

Zhuangfen's pure face became distorted again, "Don't be proud! Xia Zong and Yuan Yao have nothing to do with the best. As long as they come back, there will be the day when you cry!"

Zhuangfen almost put down the cruel words and snorted heavily from her nose.

He raised his foot and walked past Ensisi.

At the corner, he almost hit someone.

Zhuangmei was taken aback, and because she was angry, she saw the two small heads under her. She didn't hold her breath, and gave the two little people a fierce look.

"You don't have eyes to walk, is this the place you should come in?!"

After speaking, he gave the two children a fierce look and left with high heels.

The two little people have a big sunglasses on their faces, and their clothes are exactly the same style. They are the latest RLPOLO autumn outfits, clean and simple, plus the natural noble temperament on their bodies, it is almost unforgettable at a glance.

Ye Susu happily had to take the two of them to the Pei’s shopping mall to buy the same clothes. Seeing the two children wearing exactly the same clothes, Ye Susu almost cried excitedly, complaining that he didn’t work hard at that time. Give birth to twins directly.

But it's not bad now.

I bought several sets for them and forced them to wear them every day.

Although only a few days, but the habit is forced out,

Now that Ye Susu is not there, they have also consciously put it out.

In the past five years, the two of them were afraid that it was the first time they let others sprinkle the air on themselves, but they didn’t react much for a while. The two children looked at each other through sunglasses, and then turned their heads to look at the makeup. From the back, snorted all together.

Just two steps out of Zhuangmei, two people in the corner covered their mouths, pulled them to the back door, and threw them out.

Zhuangmei was frightened, rubbing her body that was almost torn apart, pointing to the two men and angrily:

"Who are you? Why do you treat me this way?!"

"Because you don't have eyes!"

The leader spoke coldly, glared at her, and turned to leave.

Zhuangmei looked at the embarrassment all over her body, stomped her feet heavily in situ, and stared at the two tall and muscular men to leave.

In the corridor backstage, Yuan Wenqian whispered: "I think it's better to teach her by myself!"

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