Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1763: Overnight loss

Ye Susu curled his lips, "What is a trick? I didn't tell you to say it! Okay, I probably know what you mean..."

"Know what? I didn't say anything, don't think about it!"

"Of course you don't say anything. If I think about it, do you think I can get to where I am today?"

Pei Anzhi smiled at ease, "Yes, yes, I know! Thank you for your wife's persistence to me! I will definitely do well in the future! Hmm?"

This last syllable, just listening to the slightly rising tone, made people feel blushing and heartbeat.

Sometimes between two people, a word, a look, a movement, what is contained in it, only each other knows.

Ye Susu blushed and lowered her head, after a while, she said:

"Yuan Yao's affairs, how do you think it is done well, I think she values ​​that drama very much!"

Pei Anzhi sighed secretly. It seems that the most important thing at the moment is to solve Yuan Yao and Xia Mingxiu's affairs, otherwise his life will definitely not be stable.

"It's easy to say, it's just a matter of Xia Mingxiu's left and right! But in the end, his Aurora International's reputation will be a little affected. After all, it is a global entertainment giant. If you know that Xia Mingxiu made a book only for a woman...

"What's the matter, he is happy!"

To say that Ye Susu is also a short-term caregiver, there are times when she helps relatives and ignores them.

For example, it is now.

Pei Anzhi laughed, he liked her sometimes coquettish,

Others can suffer, but she can't suffer.

Whether it is reasonable or unreasonable.

However, in analyzing this matter, he still has to remind her.

"The princes of the beacon play, do you know the consequences of just smiling for Bo Hongyan?"

as a result of?

Ye Susu certainly knows.

King Zhou You was killed by the dog, and Bao Si was also taken into captivity.

Seeing Ye Susu's silence, Pei Anzhi himself said, "Although the consequences will not be so miserable, there must be losses. In addition, now in Fucheng...the'Haina Media' under Li Yufeng's hands is pressing harder... …Once replaced, Aurora will not be able to turn around for a year or a half. Moreover, the habit of Aurora as a leader can not count how many people offend during this period. It is impossible to count the number of people who are offended. ! Besides, Xia Mingxiu has such a strong self-esteem..."

Pei Anzhi didn't go on, after all, he was someone he had known since childhood, and he knew too much about his temper and personality.

Just think about it, everything in it can cause too many branches and branches, even him, I am afraid it will be an abnormal headache.

No one will easily push themselves to the cusp of the storm.

But except for special reasons,

Ye Susu has been in Pei's public relations department for so many years, and I can think of some of the things in it.

"Then you said, if Xia Mingxiu is really impulsive, how much will he lose in the end?"

Pei Anzhi lowered his head, thought for a while, and said: "According to the best situation, if Heiner Media didn't take advantage of it... and it could recover its vitality in the shortest time, it might lose 300 yuan. It's about 100 million yuan!"

Ye Susu's jet-black beautiful eyes instantly widened, and her face was unbelievable. After a long while, she said dumbly:

"Thirty billion... only?"

Pei Anzhi nodded calmly.

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