Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1766: Identical character

The small man has an aura that people can't ignore.

The small pink face has clear eyebrows, red lips and white teeth. The small nose is high and the features are white and delicate, especially the big watery eyes, deep and dark, and the eyes are like a top obsidian embedded in it, shining with a wise light .

Facing the countless cameras and heads in front of him, there was no timidity at all.

He has such a temperament at a young age, and he is so similar to the president of Aurora.

The press conference is now in a mess, and all the focus is now attracted by the sudden appearance of the villain.

President Aurora, Xia Mingxiu actually has a son!

This news is definitely explosive news in the domestic and even global entertainment circles.

Who is the female number two in "Upper"?


who cares? !

"Little friend, who is your mother?"

"How old is Young Master this year?"


The reporters' questions are not evasive and are all concerns.

There are too many Bao Meng materials involved in this,

Is a child so old, an illegitimate child? Or is it that Mr. Xia actually had a hidden marriage a few years ago?

"I just came to see my dad, if there is none here, then I will leave!"

Yuan Wenqian's goal has been achieved. He snorted coldly as he watched the woman being taken away, turned around, walked to Lin Huai's side, looked up at him, and said:

"That woman, I don't like it!"

Lin Huai was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a loving smile.

"okay, I get it!"

Yuan Wenqian nodded and passed the microphone in his hand to Lin Huai.

Seeing Yuan Wenqian leaving, the reporters were anxious.

"Little Master, can you answer a few questions from us first..."

Yuan Wenqian stopped, glanced at the people around him faintly, blinked, and the corners of his lips pulled out a lovely and charming arc.

When everyone was captured by such a charming smile, Yuan Wenqian smiled and said:




Everyone was silent.

They have been "lied" by Xia Mingxiu many times.

The smiling faces are amiable, handsome and charming, but they are always cold water when they say what they say.

This habit is simply President Xia!

Even the personality is so similar, even if someone says that the child in front of him is not President Xia's son, they don't believe it.

Under the **** of the bodyguard, Yuan Wenqian stepped off the stage calmly.

Walking all the way to Pei Yunze's side, he glanced at Bai Hao who was aside, squinted his eyes slightly, and turned to look on the stage.

Lin Huai held the microphone in his hand and announced, "Dear friends from the media, I am afraid that I will let you all go for nothing. Today's press conference will be cancelled first!"

How could they make a trip for nothing? Their gains today are far stronger than the substance of this conference.

"I will inform you of the latest time of the conference as soon as possible. I hope everyone will join in."

Yuan Wenqian and Pei Yunze glanced at each other, their eyes were self-evidently proud.

"Go, go back and continue playing chess!"

"Okay, I will never let you succeed this time."

Bai Hao was completely ignored.

Seeing the reporters in front of them still looking over here unwillingly, the suppressed anger in my heart burst out several times.

The hands in his pockets clenched into fists.

Seeing that Xia Mingxiu was about to be overthrown, but now his son who suddenly appeared again put one in the middle!

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