Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1768: How could you have such a serious illness

Xia Mingxiu secretly sighed to take a sigh of relief, bent down and sat next to Yuan Yao, reaching out to hold Yuan Yao in his arms.

Yuan Yao struggled twice, but Xia Mingxiu didn't let her go.

Because of her illness, she had no strength, and in the end she could only let Xia Mingxiu play domineering.

Realizing Yuan Yao was quiet, Xia Mingxiu said in a low voice:

"I have to go back anyway! When things in Kyoto stabilize, I'll bring you over again..."

Yuan Yao didn't raise her head, nor did she move anything. She nestled in Xia Mingxiu's arms and did not speak.

Xia Mingxiu's words gradually calmed her heart.

But afterwards, she also realized that her emotions were a bit too emotional in these two days.

In the past, I never showed too much feeling in front of others, let alone being so uncontrollable, so vulnerable in front of Xia Mingxiu.

Even, making trouble unreasonably.

However, she just couldn't control herself.

Just like Wen Qian, she hopes Wen Qian can understand her and understand her so that she can not hide what she has in front of Wen Qian.

The same is true for Xia Mingxiu.

She felt that this kind of herself was very dangerous.

Shouldn't show too much in front of him.

However, by the time she reacted, it was already too late.

She doesn't know what to do!

Knowing that I sometimes go too far, but I can't help but apologize to him. In the end, I can only become an annoying person.

"Xia Mingxiu, you are such a lunatic. You like me, too."

Yuan Yao said muffledly in Xia Mingxiu's arms, her mouth was still reluctant, but her voice was much softer.

Xia Mingxiu gently stroked her head, he was slightly relieved, but he gave a soft "um". At this time, it is better for him to speak less.

After a long while, Yuan Yao said again:

"Is it a press conference today?"


"That..." Yuan Yao lifted her head from Xia Mingxiu's arms, and frowned at him slightly.

"It doesn't matter, nothing is absolute, I will solve this matter!"

Yuan Yao shook her head, "No. Since Director Lin thinks that this role can be played by others, then I respect his decision. Director Lin is a very good director, and I believe in his vision. You still have this matter. Don't show up, I don't want to grab someone else's role. Perhaps this role didn't belong to me five years ago, and five years later, it will be the same..."

Xia Mingxiu didn't speak, as she knew she would say so.

However, this role would not exist without you.

"Are you still sleeping?"

Yuan Yao shook her head, Xia Mingxiu handed her a glass of water, and smiled when she watched her drinking water obediently in her cup.

"Yesu Su is here!"

Yuan Yao was taken aback for a moment, but could not react.

Xia Mingxiu rubbed her head and repeated:

"Your good friend came to pick you up!"

Yuan Yao fully reacted this time, put down the water cup and got up from the couch.

"where is it?"

"You slow down!"

Where did Yuan Yao listen to him, she walked to the front.

Sure enough, I saw the two people sitting lovingly and lovingly with their backs to her.


Yuan Yao yelled softly, then looked at Ye Susu and turned her head.

"Yuan Yao, you are awake!"

Yuan Yao's eyes reddened and nodded.

Ye Susu stood up and took Yuan Yao to sit down. He reached out and probed Tan Yuanyao's forehead. There should be some temperature remaining, and he asked with some worry:

"How come you have such a serious illness?"

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