After the reporter asked many times, he said his purpose without hesitation.

I came to find my dad! "

"My father is the president of Aurora International!"

"My father is Xia Mingxiu!"

An answer that is more than a "horror" is like a meteorite that is heavier than a piece of phyllo Susu, and his brain is buzzing.

This kid is really...too assertive.

He didn't ask Yuan Yao's opinion on such a big matter, he decided on it himself!

So what's wrong with Yuan Yao and Xia Mingxiu now?

If the relationship between two people is not what they see, then Yuan Yao will look like when she knows it.

Yuan Yao's combat power...

It is impossible to predict, she can hardly imagine the consequences...

Intuition Wen Qian will not have good fruit.

While Xia Mingxiu on the side was shocked, his face showed a meaningful smile without concealment.

What a kid!

It's done well!

Of course the lunch prepared by the servant was for the four of them.

When Yuan Yao came downstairs, Pei Anzhi, Ye Susu, and Xia Mingxiu sat on the sofa and were silent.

Yuan Yao wrinkled her facial features weirdly, looked at them, and asked unclearly:

"What's wrong with you guys? Not one of your three mouths is gasping!?"




Yuan Yao walked up to a few of them, glanced at the TV directly in front, and said, "Why don't you watch TV?"

He said that he had to bend over to get the remote control, planning to turn on the TV.

"No! No need! We are thinking about things, turning on the TV to influence our thinking!"

Ye Susu quickly moved the remote control aside, casually making an excuse.

"What are you thinking about? Tell me, I will help you to think about it too! I can't waste my ingenuity!"



Pei Anzhi and Xia Mingxiu lowered their heads and curled their lips secretly.

She is really cheeky, what ingenuity can she say?

Ye Susu understands Yuan Yao, knowing that there are mostly jokes in her words, and he doesn't say much.

Yuan Yao was boring, and looked down at Xia Mingxiu.

Xia Mingxiu was still laughing at Yuan Yao's cheeky there, and suddenly felt that her shoulder was poked twice by something.

He turned his head and looked around and saw that Yuan Yao was looking at him with her mouth tightly closed, and then handed a plate of medicine in her hand to his eyes.

"Give you!"

Xia Mingxiu lowered his head and glanced at it. It was a prescription for colds.

He raised his head and glanced at Yuan Yao again, but saw Yuan Yao raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Susu and Pei Anzhi on the side, maybe those two hadn't noticed here.

Wrinkling her nose and looking impatiently, she moved the medicine in her hand towards Xia Mingxiu again. Seeing that Xia Mingxiu not only didn't pick it up, but also moved back slightly, she whispered angrily:

"Take it! What are you hiding?!"

Xia Mingxiu smiled with her lips curled and stretched out her hand, but when she took it, her palm gently wrapped Yuan Yao's hand.

Yuan Yao immediately panicked, blushing, and hurriedly looked up at Ye Susu and Pei Anzhi who were not far away. The two of them were close, not knowing what they were doing, so they didn't look at them.

Yuan Yao's tight heart loosened slightly, but she was still irritated by Xia Mingxiu's apparently teasing her, and pulled her hand back vigorously.

Xia Mingxiu didn't let go of him, but because of her strength, her body swayed toward her.


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