Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1776: You have no other choice

She is so scared, she admits, she is just a tortoise with a shrunken head!

In a relationship, always shrink yourself into a ball, not ready to accept any possible harm.

If she says no, she can't bear to lose.

If she said yes, she was afraid that she would be hurt.

Today’s question has already been answered.

Just need to speak...

But for twenty-seven years, what she feared most was to admit her heart...

Once admitted, it is someone else's handle, something used to trample on dignity wantonly!

Yuan Yao didn't answer for a long time, but Xia Mingxiu didn't force her any more, but smiled, lowered her head and kissed her lips.

"No matter what you answer, Yuan Yao, I won't let you leave me again! I will protect you, guard everything that belongs to you, and give you everything you want. Everything is my unilateral decision. It's savage. No matter how strong or domineering you are, no matter how you resist, you have no other choice except by my side."

Yuan Yao's chest shook, and she moved her lips to say something, but Xia Mingxiu had already put her on the pillow, and then stood up.

"You take a good rest first, I still have things to deal with, let's go!"

"Xia Mingxiu..." Yuan Yao opened her mouth to call him, Xia Mingxiu stopped, Yuan Yao wriggled her lips and struggled for a long time, but did not say a word.

"I will come to see you later!"

Xia Mingxiu's voice didn't make any waves or strangeness, and his slender figure finally disappeared in the bedroom door.

Yuan Yao kept looking at the direction of the door, Xia Mingxiu's depressed figure caused her heart to feel cramps!

What does he expect her to say?

It's just a question of one sentence, but she...

She has too many things to consider, too messy...

Yuan Yao's heart became a mess.

She rubbed her hair irritably, and heard the sound of the car's engine starting outside the window, she hurried out of bed and leaned on the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the courtyard.

Xia Mingxiu’s assistant really handed him a new mobile phone at the moment, he took it, and randomly dialed out a phone call, stuck it to my ear, bent over and sat in the black Bentley, the assistant took the driving seat, and the car quickly grew long. Away.

She opened her mouth, trying to stop him, but suddenly realized that everything was in vain.

When she walked to the bed, Yuan Yao's head was dizzy and she lay on the bed for a long time, until the sunset turned orange-red, she still had no sleep.

He sat up suddenly from the bed, bit his lip hard, looked at the landline phone on the bedside table tightly, for a long time, he picked up the phone and dialed a series of numbers.

It was Ye Susu who had just returned home to get the call.

"Yuan Yao?"


Ye Susu frowned slightly, realizing that Yuan Yao's tone was wrong, and asked, "What's wrong?"

It won’t be the news...

"Susu, do you think I am a bad person? I have always been afraid of being hurt, but I continue to hurt others..."

Ye Susu frowned, and walked to the window in the living room. The sky was not so good, and a thick black cloud to the west blocked the last rays of sunlight.

"Don't think too much, people are selfish!" Ye Susu said, the first half is comforting, the second half is fact.

Yuan Yao shook her head, but there was a moment of silence on the phone.

"Susu, I am extremely selfish. In front of feelings, I am a tortoise with a shrunken head. I only know how to take it, and I never take the initiative to touch it. I am afraid that my extended hand will be rejected, and I am afraid of being rejected by the other person. His hand slammed my neck, and then threw me matter what kind of result, I feel terrible..."

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