Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1778: She decides everything

Ye Susu smiled, and then said: "Forgot to tell you! Actually, Xia Mingxiu asked you this sentence, the true meaning, maybe it is not as complicated as you think?"

Yuan Yao tilted her head, blinked, and asked in confusion, "What?"

Hearing Yuan Yao's question, Ye Susu was quite sure, Yuan Yao hadn't seen the news so far.

If she saw it, she thought, she wouldn't be so emotional!

With a silent sigh, Ye Susu directly filtered the topic out.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter! What matters right now is..."

"I see! Susu, thank you!"

Without waiting for Ye Susu to finish speaking, Yuan Yao intercepted her and thanked herself, and finally hung up the phone without even giving Ye Susu a chance to speak.

She looked at the rain floating outside the window and was silent for a while.

Finally, without any hesitation, he threw the phone on the bed, opened the closet and took out a long trench coat, and rushed out of the room...

No matter what, she is willing to give it a go!

Susu was right, she couldn't bear it blindly.

She herself clearly understood everything, but she couldn't find a way to vent.

She obviously loves him, and she doesn't want to see him a little bit sad, but she can only stay away every time.

Love is not just spoken out, what she needs to do now is to vent and express her love.

Let him really feel that she loves him, not just talk.

Her love, she will master...

Even if it's injured or sad, it won't even get anything in the end.

However, she didn't want to do nothing by herself, and win nothing.

There is no pain she can't bear.

She has been working hard for herself!

This time, too!

Xia Mingxiu, what your barbarism, what your strength, what your domineering, give me all hell!

This time, I will take the lead in everything!

The servants were surprised to see Yuan Yao rushing downstairs, seeing that she went straight to the entrance, picked up the car keys, and ran out without even having time to change her shoes, even more anxious.

Busily shouted: "Miss Yuan, where are you going?!"

"The disease is not healed! Don't get any more rain!"

Yuan Yao didn't hear about it, and stretched out her hand to open the door of the villa, with an excited smile on her face, as if she could turn this rainy day into a clear sky.

However, at the moment the door opened, the familiar face that suddenly came into my own eyes was looking at her in surprise, the smile on Yuan Yao's face instantly froze on her face...

Wen Muyan's surprised eyes captured Yuan Yao's series of expression changes under his eyes. He concealed the expression in his eyes. He raised a gentle smile again and asked:

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Yuan Yao's footsteps drew back two steps, looking at Wen Muyan's face full of guilt.


Yuan Yao couldn't say a word, let alone how to face Wen Muyan.

What is she going to tell him, how can I tell him?

Wen Muyan walked into the villa and stepped forward to hug Yuan Yao's body.

Yuan Yao's body shrank, and her footsteps moved backward two steps subconsciously.

With a gentle and gentle smile in Wen Muyan's eyes, she embraced Yuan Yao all the way to the glass balcony in the living room.

"We have been together for five years, right?"

Wen Muyan faced Yuan Yao, raised her hands and fastened the buttons of her windbreaker...

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