Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1781: Block Ensisi? ?

The exquisite sapphire blue sports car shuttles through the rain, like a flash of colorful lightning, whizzing past.

Yuan Yao held the steering wheel tightly, bit her lips tightly, and drove towards a very, very clear place.

Aurora International.

Ensisi appeared at the door of Aurora International in a awkward manner. The skirt on her body that had been carefully prepared for the press conference was tightly attached to her body, where there was the original beauty.

How beautiful it was, how embarrassed it is now.

Occasionally, a star artist or assistant agent from the company passed by at the door. Seeing Ensisi in this way, apart from a moment of doubt, there was only a moment of sarcasm and mockery in his eyes.

Ensisi clenched his teeth and walked directly into the company,

Today’s press conference was sore, she must go to Bai Hao to make sure, when will the next time be, must be as soon as possible!

Time really waits for no one. If she misses it, she really has no chance again.

Thinking of this, Ensisi's steps were faster, and she couldn't delay every minute.

Prior to this, Xia Mingxiu had sent someone to the original shooting location to investigate. Although he already knew in his heart, he needed hard-hearted evidence.

Whoever hurt Yuan Yao, he would never let it go.

As for today's press conference, not long after Mo Xiao as the host left, Xia Mingxiu asked about the situation at the beginning and couldn't help but chuckle twice after knowing that the kid had appeared at the most crucial last moment.

This kind of thing that pulls people from the clouds, he does quite handily.

I really don't know who taught him this little trick.

After Mo Xiao left, Xia Mingxiu frowned and thought for a while, then called the secretary directly and arranged a series of things.

Not many people know about Xia Mingxiu's return to the company.

So when the secretary went to the company's public relations department to convey Xia Mingxiu's instructions, he was puzzled.

But the secretary was the most powerful and loyal person around President Xia. They didn't hesitate to listen to the secretary's instructions and started to deal with the things that President Xia had arranged.

What the secretary conveyed was--

Contact the media and directly announced the female number 2 of "Upper Position" as Yuan Yao, without any follow-up.

The person in charge of the public relations department found the problem very much.

Asked the secretary, "At today's press conference, Ensisi appeared. If anyone doubts the emergence of Ensisi, how to make a reasonable explanation!"

The secretary pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose, and replied blankly: "Since Mr. Xia has not ordered, then don't worry about it!"

"But will Ensisi be affected?"

"Huh? How was she affected? Does it matter how she was affected now?"

The secretary's words made several people stunned, and after a while they suddenly let out a cold sweat.

Will the amount of information in this story be a bit too big?

Where did Ensisi offend President Xia, who was clearly a key target of the company's vigorous cultivation before, but now how do you feel that she is suddenly stocked, whether it is dead or alive?

"Then... if someone asks..."

"Didn't the young master say that? He doesn't like Ensisi!"

The secretary finished speaking, leaving them with a meaningful smile, turned and left the public relations department,

A group of people were left looking at each other, and then they could only shake their heads.

The little young master's dislike was the most powerful excuse for directly banning a popular star. This is really a golden words!

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