Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1799: Like a child

"What kind? Does Chushui Lotus look like?"


En Sisi turned around, now she didn't have the energy to joke with Bai Hao.

Bai Hao took off Ensisi's clothes on his own.

En Sisi was entangled by Bai Hao and had no choice but to stand still and let him do whatever he wanted.

When there was no more cover on her body, Bai Hao's hand stroked twice on her watery and more hydrated skin, and finally bent over and hugged Ensisi.

"What are you doing?" Ensisi's scalp was a little numb.

"Isn't it cold? Take a shower first!"


En Sisi didn't speak, letting Bai Hao carry her into the lounge.

Bai Hao had been slapped by Ye Huanhuan before—pulling a fire, and he carried Ensisi into the bathroom, but he did not come out.

Before long, there was a burst of ambiguous sounds in the bathroom...


When Xia Mingxiu woke up, the little woman in her arms was still asleep, hugging his waist tightly, her face flushed in sleep, and when she was quiet, she looked very peaceful, like a child.

Xia Mingxiu looked down at her, feeling the satisfaction that only surging in the last few days,

Sometimes he himself wondered if he had been poisoned by this little woman and had no resistance to this woman at all.

I originally thought of getting up, but at the moment I saw her, I completely gave up,

Turning over with a minimal movement, facing Yuan Yao, a pair of dark eyes looked at Yuan Yao’s sleeping face, the smile on his face has never fallen.

He lowered his head and pressed her forehead lightly, watching her curled eyelashes tremble gently because of the breathing movement, and the long breath evenly splashed on his face, soft and warm.

She looked quiet and didn't know why, it made Xia Mingxiu feel soft in her heart, and she couldn't help but want to treat her better.

Be careful, for fear that a word, an action, and a look will make her feel a little uneasy and scared.

Gently kissed the tip of her nose, watched her wrinkle her nose, drilled into his arms, and rubbed the itchy nose against Xia Mingxiu's chest.

Xia Mingxiu smiled lowly, and followed Yuan Yao's movements to hold Yuan Yao tight.

Half an hour later, Xia Mingxiu looked at the completely dark sky outside the window and sighed slightly. Even though he didn't want to leave the nephrite jade's fragrance, he had to get up lightly.

After leaving the small lounge, he sighed slightly.

Sitting at the desk, he opened the webpage and glanced at it, then closed it again. A man leaned on the chair and started thinking, his eyebrows tightened, his face was not very good.

Before long, his cell phone rang at the table.

Seeing the caller ID, it seems to be...

He raised his eyebrows and answered the phone without hesitation.


"Call Dad!"

Xia Mingxiu pursed his lips, knowing that it was the call from Pei's family, but when he heard the familiar and tender voice on the other end of the phone, he immediately heard the voice of the little guy.

Yuan Wenqian was stunned, and then said for a long time: "Cheerful! My dad is Uncle Wen!"

Xia Mingxiu's face turned dark, and then laughed lowly, "Idiot! Is it Dad or Uncle Wen?"

There was no sound in the microphone for a long time, and Xia Mingxiu estimated that Yuan Wenqian would be ashamed to death by himself there.


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