Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1811: Pretty woman

The woman was just the woman driving the BMW who nearly hit the female reporter at the gate of Aurora. Hearing Xia Mingxiu's cold words, she just curled her lips slightly and smiled lightly.

She raised her hand, and the jade fingers with distinct jade fingers hooked off the sunglasses on the tall bridge of the nose. The face was very beautiful, the makeup was exquisite, but it looked very natural. The linen wavy hair was naturally loosely scattered on the shoulders, and the hair color It makes the woman's skin white and moisturized. Although the expression on her face is smiling, it seems to be just perfunctory. The temperament of the whole body is a kind of mature beauty.

At least, more mature than five years ago.

At the same time, the Aurora Building was spreading——

A woman entered President Xia's office.

A very beautiful woman entered President Xia's office!

A beautiful woman who was suspected to be President Xia's son's biological mother entered President Xia's office!

and also--

Liangluo entered President Xia's office.

For a time, the entire Aurora International exploded.

Various speculations abound.

Xia Mingxiu looked at the coldness that suddenly appeared in his office, and her eyebrows had never been flattened.


Liang Luo smiled faintly, and walked slowly to Xia Mingxiu's desk.

"Sit on the sofa!"

Xia Mingxiu stared at her and said coldly,

Liang Luo paused, took a look at Xia Mingxiu, then turned and walked to the sofa to sit down.

Sitting elegantly and generously, the whole person looks confident, but it looks even more beautiful and dazzling than five years ago.

"I heard that the superior is going to remake it, come and join in the fun!"

"..." Xia Mingxiu looked at Liang Luo with a ghostly expression.

"I originally wanted the female number two. Since Yuan Yao has been set, I still want the role of the heroine."

Xia Mingxiu sneered, "The heroine has also been set!"

Liang Luo shrugged indifferently, "So, didn't you come here to walk through the back door?"

Xia Mingxiu seemed to have heard some joke, and threw the folder in his hand on the table, including the pen.

"Go through the back door again? Go find Brother Pei. I listened to him five years ago, and I will be the same five years later. As long as he says he will let you be the protagonist, I will give it to you!"

The smile on Liang Luo Jumei's face gradually lost its color.

Xia Mingxiu snorted coldly, and her sharp eyes slid across Liang Luo's embarrassed face.

"Perhaps, go directly to our Vice President Bai, as long as you say, he will definitely promote you as the heroine!"

Liang Luo's face sank completely, and it didn't take long for him to recover as usual.

He smiled faintly: "Although Vice President Bai has a reputation...but he is sincere and sincere to Aurora. I didn't ask for it, he would definitely give it!

Xia Mingxiu raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you still know him quite well! That's right! He entered our company every day to give you a breath of anger, thinking about how to make trouble for me! If you don't appreciate any more, then he will give you nothing. So many years wasted!"

Liang Luo frowned, the teeth in his mouth biting the inner wall of the red lips tightly, and then slowly said:

"I didn't know he was for me. You know better than me about his reputation in Aurora and even in various circles! Say he is for me? Don't you think it is funny? You are not a fool, since he knew it from the beginning He stumbles you, so it’s fine to kick him out? Don’t push everything on me? I don’t think I can bear enough, isn’t it?"

Xia Mingxiu squinted at Liang Luo, and smiled unclearly:

"Do you know why I didn't move Bai Hao before?"

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