Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 182: Seeking prosperity

Chang Chu stared closely at the huge LCD TV screen, looking at Mu Chuqing's smiley face, a pair of brown eyes burst out with hatred and viciousness.

Now, the only way is to ask Chen for help.

I hope he can really help her.

Faced with the ugly expressions of several shareholders, Chang Chu's expression became even more ugly. She got up from the office chair and picked up the briefcase.

Said coldly:

"I'll go to Shengshi Group to see!"

The faces of several shareholders were instantly full of surprises.

"It should have been this way, otherwise the company would not have such a big panic."

Chang Chu snorted coldly and left the office.

Shengshi Group, Sheng Yuchen wears a black slim-fit high-end suit, which is more slender than the previous thin body.

He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, holding a diamond ring in his hand in a daze.

He picked it up after all, the ring he personally made for that woman.

His eyes were dark, as if in a trance, Jun Yi's face was resolute.

When Chang Chu came in, he saw Sheng Yuchen standing tall, tall and slender, with a compelling momentum.

He turned his back to her, and she could faintly guess from his side face that he looked down on the bustling city with no expression on his face, his brows narrowed slightly.

Chang Chu's heart suddenly jumped uncontrollably.

This man holds the supreme power of life and death in the Shengshi Group. He is the heir to a century-old noble family. He is undoubtedly the man standing at the top. How many people are jealous of him, how many women are eager for him, but unfortunately, this man Destined to be hers!

Chang Chu's heart almost flew up when he thought that he would be the only woman beside this man.

He tiptoed up to him, stretched out his arms and gently wrapped around his waist, pressed his side face tightly to his back, and whispered gently:


A unique scent drifted into Chang Chu's nose, and Chang Chu's eyebrows wrinkled unhappily.

The taste on his body has changed since he married Mu Chuqing four years ago, and it has been that taste ever since.

Sheng Yuchen's black eyes finally had a focus, and there was a sharp flash in the heart, but it flashed past.

He slowly turned around, looked down at Chang Chu with an indifferent expression, took Chang Chu's hand around his waist calmly, walked to the desk and sat down.

"How did you leave the hospital?"

Sheng Yuchen asked, the voice was flat and unwavering, even with a faint coldness.

Chang Chu shook his heart and looked carefully, only to see Sheng Yuchen's mouth with a smile, looking at her tenderly.

She was a little relieved, maybe there were too many recent things, she thought too much, almost hallucinated.

Shaking her head, a layer of grievance and pity was instantly clothed on her face.

"Chen, you also know that Chang's is so dangerous now that his father fainted, how can I rest in the hospital?"


Sheng Yuchen tickled the corner of his mouth, his eyes were dark and unclear, and he lowered his head to look at the document he had just received.

Seeing that Sheng Yuchen did not respond to her as she expected, a suspicion flashed across Chang Chu's eyes, but he continued:

"Chen, there is really no way for the Chang clan now. I am here to ask you to help Chang clan. As you know, the Chang clan is the hard work of his father for a lifetime..."

"How to help?"

Sheng Yuchen suddenly interrupted Chang Chu's next bitter drama, put down the files in his hand, and looked up at her.

Chang Chu's eyes lit up and he said hurriedly:

"The progress of the project must be caught up, and funds are needed..."

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