Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1834: Pei Yunze's question

"Anzhi...I can't let them know..."

Pei Anzhi's hand holding her hand slightly used a bit of strength, and gave Ye Susu a soothing look.

Ye Susu's eyes were red.

How could two couples know all this, he is so young, and his heart is as simple as a blank sheet of paper, how important is education at this age, if you let him know about this at this time, inject a share in that simple heart Hatred, how terrible it should be.

She doesn't want her children to touch such extreme emotions from a young age.

If possible, she hopes that he will not contact him for the rest of his life.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be so silent and forbearing. If there were no couples, she could refute at least two sentences.

Two rebuttals to make yourself feel a little better is also good!

But they have all reached this point. If you let them know everything, what use is her tolerance? !

She kept shaking her head towards Pei Anzhi and struggling again.

"Two and two!" She called him, but two and two did not move.

"Don't worry, it's okay..."

Pei Anzhi comforted her in a low voice, turned her arms around her, lowered her head, the black eyes under her long eyebrows were slightly constricted, and she looked at the small figure under her unhappily, and the corners of her lips curled up with something like nothing. Smile.

Ye Susu frowned and looked at him. He couldn't understand what he was happy about now. !

However, looking at Pei Anzhi like this, thinking of the look she just gave her, her heart gradually calmed down.

No one in the living room spoke, but Pei Yunze turned his head and put his eyes on Luo Qing’s body.

"Grandma, can you tell me? Everything is over? What you just said in turn, do you want my mother to forgive who? And what?"

Luo Qing was named by Pei Yunze, straightened up and moved his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Say what?

How to say?

Let his mother forgive Liang Luo, saying that you were almost killed by Liang Luo in your mother's stomach, and you almost never came to this world? !

Thinking of this, Luo Qing began to feel distressed afterwards.

Lifting his eyes to look at Pei Yunze again, looking at the small face exactly like An Zhi, as well as the inherent unspeakable temperament and cleverness, make people feel like a treasure.

How difficult it is for him to come, if it wasn’t God blessing him to help their Pei family keep him...

She can't even think about it now!

She never thought that her baby grandson would disappear!

I didn't even think that I would almost lose him...

Now seeing him standing alive and asking her questions, her heart seemed to be suddenly stabbed with a needle.

He is now standing in front of her alive, and has lived with her for five years...

At the age of five, he has already experienced life and death!

Moreover, it is not an accident, it is artificial...

Liang Luo once thought about killing them!

This summary gradually formed in her mind, and her body suddenly started shaking!

She wanted to persuade Su Su to forgive a murderer who nearly killed her son? !

When did this strange idea come into being?

Why didn't she have any awareness of this aspect? !

Seeing that Luo Qing did not answer him, Pei Yunze's mouth turned into a cold arc.

He casually cast his gaze to the cooler who looked more confused than just now.

"Cool... Auntie..."

Liang Luo was shocked by the claim, and he forcibly pulled out a smile, already losing his calmness.

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