Liang Luo's face froze for a while, and then he smiled happily.


Ye Susu glanced at her indifferently, took Pei Yunze towards the door, Liang Luo turned sideways to give way, Pei Anzhi frowned and glanced at her, striding to follow Ye Susu.

Liang Luo looked at the backs of the two people, his eyes flashed, but he couldn't see the difference.

When Pei Anzhi walked out, Luo Qing glanced suspiciously at Liang Luo. Liang Luo looked at Luo Qing and smiled. It was natural and naturally made her feel a little embarrassed.

"Auntie, just... I’ve hurt you... I didn’t think about it. I didn’t consider the feelings of my sister-in-law. In fact, it was the same. After all, it was my sister-in-law who experienced it personally. After all, it was a victim. Some feelings, maybe I really don’t understand... …"

Luo Qing was even more embarrassed!

Now she really doesn’t know what to do,

What I said in pairs today is indeed right. She only thought about Ye Susu's not giving her face, but the premise did not think of giving her face.

But Liang Luo, this girl, really said the same thing!

You could see Luo Qing's entanglement, and Liang Luo stepped forward and gently took Luo Qing's arm.

"Auntie, I will be busy with the annual meeting these two days, so I won't bother you. But, can I come next time?"

Luo Qing glanced at her, "Yes."

"Thank you auntie."

Liang Luo smiled happily, took the bag, and followed Luo Qing to see off the guests.

Pei Anzhi opened the car door, and Pei Yunze got in first, and then Yuan Wenqian finally got freedom from the arms of Xia's parents, and almost got into Pei Anzhi's car as if he had escaped.

Pei Anzhi and Ye Susu also politely said goodbye to the parents of the Xia family. Pei Anzhi opened the door of the passenger seat to Ye Susu and signaled to let Ye Susu get in the car.

Ye Susu didn't go up, but turned around and saw Mother Pei coming out from behind, followed by Liangluo.

Gathering his gaze, Ye Susu still opened his mouth and said to Mother Pei: "Mom, do you need anything? I will bring it back for you this weekend!"

Luo Qing paused, "Oh, nothing is needed! Let's talk about it then."

Luo Qing was a little awkward when she spoke, and it was difficult to get rid of the embarrassment for a while.

Ye Susu just nodded lightly, "Then let's go first!"

Luo Qing nodded and looked at Pei Anzhi.

Pei Anzhi looked calm and nodded with her expressionlessly. He watched Ye Susu get into the car, closed the door, walked around the body, and walked to the driving position, opened the door and sat on it.

Luo Qing pursed his lips, knowing that he was somewhat of a loss, and his face was not good.

Ye Susu was looking in the car, feeling sad, just about to reach out and put down the car window and give some comfort, he saw Liang Luo standing beside Luo Qing and holding her arm.

She paused, and finally withdrew her hand, a faint ironic smile was conjured up at the corner of her lips, and she took a deep look at the coolness, and then closed her gaze.

The car moved slowly, and finally drove out of Pei's old house.

The two children in the car were very quiet. Ye Susu glanced at Pei Yunze in the rearview mirror several times, her eyes were complicated, but she never said anything.

Through today’s events, she deeply felt that her son, in fact, did not really understand,

Only five years old, what I said today, I know almost more than an adult knows.

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